Presentation of roses to mothers

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Your wedding will be a special celebration for your parents. As you were growing up, your parents gave you love and guided you through all your trials. Their love for you has brought them both great happiness and great challenges.

__________and __________wish to honor their parents by presenting a rose to their mothers, to thank their parents for the many selfless sacrifices they have made and for their unconditional love so freely given.


A poem for your mothers

My mother kept a garden,
A garden of the heart.
She planted all the good things,
That gave my life a start.
She bathed me in my bathtub,
And encouraged me to a dream.
Fostering and nurturing her cherub,
and building my self esteem.
And when the winds and rain came,
She protected me enough.
But not too much, as she knew,
I'd need to stand up strong and tough.
Her constant good example,
Always taught me the right from wrong.
Markers for my pathway,
That will last a lifetime long.
I am my mother's garden,
I am her legacy.
And I hope today she feels the love,
Reflected back from me.

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