Wolf Requirements

Wolf Requirements:

To earn the Wolf rank a Cub Scout must complete 52 tasks out of a possible 62 tasks that are offered in the book.

If the Cub Scout has not previously earned the Bobcat Badge, it must be earned first.

Note that these activities are primarily done at home and signed off by the parent after the boy has completed each task. The book is then shown to the Den Leader who records the progress and also signs the boy's book. The optional Progress Towards Rank badge can be worn on the right pocket. For each four Achievments acomplished a colored bead is added to the badge. Yellow beads are for Wolf and red beads are for Bear. These are instant awards give at the den meetings.

  1. FEATS OF SKILL - Do each of a through e and one of f through k:

    a. Play catch with someone 10 steps away. Play until you can throw and catch.

    b. Walk a line back and forth. Do it sideways too. Then walk the edge of a board six steps each way.

    c. Do a front roll.

    d. Do a back roll.

    e. Do a falling forward roll.

    f. See how high you can jump.

    g. Do the elephant walk, frog leap, and crab walk.

    h. Swim as far as you can walk in 15 steps.

    i. Using a basketball or playground ball - Bounce pass, baseball pass, do a chest pass.

    j. Do a frog stand.

    k. Run or jog for 10 minutes OR jog in place for 5 minutes.

  2. YOUR FLAG - Do the following:

    a. Give the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag of the United States of America. Tell what it means.

    b. Lead a flag ceremony in your den.

    c. Tell how to respect and take care of the flag. Show three ways to display the flag.

    d. Learn about your state flag. Learn how to display your state flag.

    e. With the help of another person, fold the flag.

  3. KEEP YOUR BODY HEALTHY - Do the following:

    a. Show that you know and follow the seven rules of health.

    b. Tell three ways to stop the spread of a cold.

    c. Show what to do for a small cut on your finger..

  4. KNOW YOUR HOME AND COMMUNITY - Do the following:

    a. Write down the phone numbers you need to have. Put them by your phone. (Police, Fire, Doctor, Mother at work, Father at work, Family friend.)

    b. If someone comes to the door and wants to come in - I will ....................

    c. If someone calls on the phone - (write) I will .............

    d. When I leave our home I will......

    e. Talk with others in your home about helping. Agree on the home jobs you will do.

  5. TOOLS FOR FIXING AND BUILDING - Do the following:

    a. Point out and name eight tools. Do this at home, or go to a hardware store with a grown-up. Tell what each tool does.

    b. Show how to use pliers.

    c. Use a screwdriver to drive a screw.

    d. Show how to use a hammer.

    e. Use a pattern or a plan to make a birdhouse, a set of bookends, or something else useful.

  6. START A COLLECTION - Do the following:

    a. Make a collection of anything you like. Start with 10 things. Put them together in a neat way.

    b. Show and explain your collection to another person.

  7. YOUR LIVING WORLD - Do the following:

    a. Pick up litter you see. Put it where it belongs. Or recycle it.

    b. List 10 ways your neighborhood gets dirty. Don't forget the air and water.

    c. Write three ways to make where you live more beautiful. Then do them.

    d. With a grown-up, find 3 or 4 stories from newspapers or magazines that tell how people are protecting our living world. Read and discuss them together.

    e. Energy is a resource. List three ways you can save energy. Save energy by doing them.

  8. COOKING AND EATING - Do the following:

    a. List some foods from each of the four basic food groups.

    b. Plan the meals you and your family should have for one day. List things your family should have from the four food groups.

    c. Help fix at least one meal for your family. Help set the table, cook the food, and wash the dishes.

    d. Fix your own breakfast. Wash and put away the dishes.

    e. Help to plan, prepare, and cook an outdoor meal.

  9. BE SAFE AT HOME AND ON THE STREET - Do the following:

    a. WITH A GROWN-UP, check your home for things that may help keep you safe.

    b. WITH A GROWN-UP, check for danger from fire.

    c. Practice good rules of street and road safety.

    d. Know the rules of bike safety.

  10. FAMILY FUN - Do the following:

    a. Make a game like one of these. Play it with your family. (Eagle Golf, Beanbag Archery.)

    b. Plan a walk. Go to a park or wooded area, visit a zoo or museum with your family.

    c. Read a book or Boys' Life magazine with your family. Take turns reading aloud.

    d. Decide with Akela what you will watch on television or listen to on the radio.

    e. Attend a concert, a play, or other live program with your family.

  11. DUTY TO GOD - Do the following:

    a. Talk with your folks about what they believe is their duty to God.

    b. Give some ideas on how you can show your religious beliefs.

    c. Find out how you can help your church, synagogue, or religious fellowship.

  12. MAKING CHOICES - Do ANY FOUR of these nine requirements:

    a. There is an older boy who hangs around Jason's school. He tries to give pills to the children. What would you do if you were Jason?

    b. Mel is home alone. The phone rings. When Mel answers, a stranger asks if Mel's mother is home. She is not. Mel is alone. What would you do if you were Mel?

    c. Juan is on a walk with his little sister. A car stops and a man asks them to come over to the car. What would you do if you were Juan?

    d. Matthew's grandmother gives him money to buy an ice- cream cone. On the way to the store, a bigger boy asks for money and threatens to hit Matthew if he does not give him some money. If you were Matthew what would you do?

    e. Chris and his little brother are home alone in the afternoon. A man knocks on the door and says he wants to read the meter. He is not wearing a uniform. What would you do if you were Chris?

    f. Sam is home alone. He looks out the window and sees a man trying to break into a neighbor's back door. What would you do if you were Sam?

    g. Some kids who go to Bob's school want him to steal candy and gum from a store, which they can share later. Bob knows this is wrong, but he wants to be popular with these kids. What would you do if you were Bob?

    h. What would you do if someone came up to you and said your parent was sick and you were to go with him?

    i. What would you do if you were in a public restroom and someone tried to touch you?

After the Wolf Cub Scout has completed the requirements above he has earned the WOLF BADGE,which should be presented to him at the NEXT pack meeting.

AFTER a Wolf Cub Scout earns his Wolf Badge he may begin working on earning Arrow Points in the Electives section of his book.

He may work on his "Arrow Point Trail" at any time, however he cannot receive Arrow Points until AFTER he has earned the Wolf Badge.



For the FIRST 10 arrow points completed in the "Electives" section of his book, the Wolf Cub earns his GOLD ARROW POINT.


For EACH 10 arrow points completed (AFTER HE EARNS THE GOLD ARROW POINT) the Wolf Cub earns a SILVER ARROW POINT.

He may earn any number of SILVER ARROW POINTS, but he may only earn ONE GOLD ARROW POINT for the first 10 elective points that he completes.

The possible electives are as follows:


    a. Use a secret code.

    b. Write to a friend in invisible "ink"

    c. "Write" your name with the alphabet deaf and hearing impaired people use.

    d. Use 12 Native American signs to tell a story.


    a. Help to plan and put on a skit with costumes.

    b. Make some scenery for a den skit.

    c. Make sound effects for a den skit.

    d. Be the announcer for a den skit.

    e. Make a paper sack mask for a den skit.


    a. Make something useful for your home, church, or school.

    b. Using a centimeter ruler, measure to see how far you can stretch your hand.

    c. Make a bench fork.

    d. Make a door stop.

    e. Or make something else.


    a. Play Pie-tin Washer Toss.

    b. Play Marble Sharpshooter.

    c. Play Ring Toss.

    d. Play Beanbag Toss.

    e. Play a game of Marbles.


    a. Explain safety rules for kite flying.

    b. Make and fly a kite.

    c. OR Make a two-stick kite.

    d. OR Make a three-stick kite.

    e. Make and use a reel for kite string.

    f. Make a model boat with a rubber-band propeller.

    g,h,i. Make or put together some kind of model boat.


    a. Go to a public library with a grown-up. Find out how to get your own library card. Name four kinds of books that interest you (for example, history, science fiction, how-to-books).

    b. Choose a book on a subject you like and read it. With an adult, discuss what you read and what you think about.

    c. Books are important. Show that you know how to take care of them. Open a new book the right way. Make a paper or plastic cover for it or another book.


    a. Learn to walk on a pair of stilts.

    b. Make a pair of "puddle jumpers" and walk with them.

    c. Make a pair of "footracers" and use them with a friend.


    a. Name 10 kinds of trucks, construction machinery, or farm machinery.

    b. Use a wheel and axle.

    c. Use a pulley.

    d. Make and use a windlass.


    a,b. Make a gift or toy like one of these (shown in book) and give it to someone.

    c. Help with a home or den party.


    a. Read a book or tell a story about Native Americans, past or present.

    b. Make a tom-tom.

    c. Make traditional clothing.

    d. Finish a feather for a headband or other decoration.

    e. Make a headband for the finished feather.

    f. Learn 12 word pictures and write a story with them.


    a. Learn and sing the first and last verses of "America."

    b. Learn and sing the first verse of our National Anthem.

    c. Learn the words and sing three Cub Scout songs. (Given)

    d. Learn the words and sing the first verse of three other songs, hymns, or prayers. Write the verse of one of the songs learned.

    e. Learn a song that would be sung as a grace before meals. Write the words here. (In your book)


    a. Make a freehand sketch.

    b. Tell a story in three steps by drawing three cartoons.

    c. Mix yellow and blue paints to make green; yellow and red to make orange; and red and blue to make violet.

    d. Help draw, paint, or crayon some scenery for a den or pack skit or puppet show.

    e. Make a stencil pattern.

    f. Make a poster for a Cub Scout project or pack meeting.

  13. BIRDS

    a. Make a list of all the birds you saw in a week and tell where you saw them (field, forest,marsh, yard, or park).

    b. Put out nesting material (yarn and string) for birds and tell which birds might use it.

    c. Read a book about birds.

    d. Point out 10 different kinds of birds (5 may be from pictures).

    e. Feed wild birds and tell which birds you fed.

    f. Put out a birdhouse and tell which birds use it.

  14. PETS

    a. Take care of a pet.

    b. Know what to do when you meet a strange dog.

    c. Read a book about a pet and tell about it at a den meeting.

    d. Tell what is meant by rabid. Tell what you should do if you see a dog or wild animal that acts as if it may be rabid.


    a. Plant and raise a box garden.

    b. Plant and raise a flower bed.

    c. Grow a plant indoors.

    d. Plant and raise vegetables.


    a. Talk with your family about what you will do in an emergency.

    b. In case of a bad storm or flood, know where you can get safe food and water in your home. Tell how to purify water. Show one way. Know where and how to shut off water, electricity, gas, or oil.

    c. Make a list of your first aid supplies, or make a first aid kit. Know where the first aid things are kept.


    a. Learn to tie an overhand knot and a square knot.

    b. Tie your shoelaces with a square bow knot.

    c. Wrap and tie a package so that it is neat and tight.

    d. Tie a stack of newspapers the right way.

    e. Tie two cords together with an overhand knot.

    f. Learn to tie a necktie.

    g. Wrap the end of a rope with tape to keep it from unwinding.


    a. Help plan and hold a picnic with your family or den.

    b. With your folks, help plan and run a family or den outing.

    c. Help plan and lay out a treasure hunt something like this. (Example map shown in book.)

    d. Help plan and lay out an obstacle race.

    e. Help plan and lay out an adventure trail.

    f. Take part in two summertime pack events with your den.

    g. Point out poison plants. Tell what to do if you accidentally touch one of them.


    a. Point out five fish.

    b. Rig a pole with the right kind of line. Attach a hook, bobber, and sinker, if you need them. Then go fishing.

    c. Fish with members of your family or a grown-up. Bait your hook and catch a fish.

    d. Know the rules of safe fishing.

    e. Tell some of the fishing laws where you live.

    f. Show how to use a rod and reel.

  20. SPORTS

    a. Play a game of tennis, table tennis, or badminton.

    b. Know boating safety rules.

    c. Know archery safety rules. Know how to shoot right. Put four of six arrows into a 1.2 meter target that is 15 steps away from you.

    d. Understand the safety and courtesy codes for skiing. Show walking and kick turn. Do climbing with side stop or herringbone. Show the snowplow or stem turn, and how to get up from a fall.

    e. Know the safety rules for ice skating. Skate, without falling, as far as you can walk in 50 steps. Come to a stop. Show a turn from forward to backward.

    f. In roller skating, know the safety rules. From a standing start, skate forward as far as you can walk in 50 steps. Come to a stop within 10 walking steps. Skate around a corner one way without coasting. Then do the same coming back. Show a turn from forward to backward.

    g. Go bowling. (Following all the rules.)

    h. Show how to make a sprint start in track. Run 45 meters in 11 seconds or less.

    i. Play a game of touch or flag football.

    j. Play a game of soccer. Show how to dribble and kick.

    k. Play a game of baseball or softball.

    l. Show how to shoot, pass, and dribble a basketball. Take part in a game.


    a. Visit a place where computers are used. Find out what they are used for.

    b. Play a computer game.

    c. Turn a computer on, operate it, and turn it off.


    a. Say "Hello" in a language other than English. (Examples given in book.)

    b. Count to ten in a language other than English.

    c. Tell a short story to your den, your den leader, or a grown-up.

    d. Tell how to get to a nearby police station from your home, your den meeting, and school. Use directions and street names.

    e. Invite a boy to join Cub Scouting or help a new Cub Scout through the Bobcat trail.

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