Petz 1 Showplace has closed its doors for good. Why? It's really a few reasons. The first is that we are sick and tired of people e-mailing us with nasty messages about Macs and Petz 1. The second is that no one was entering the showz, so there's no point in having a special Petz 1 show website if no one enters the showz, is there? The last reason for our unexpected closure is that Gubbz (the webmaster) is no longer able to waste her time working her butt off on a website that no one visits or takes advantage of. We deeply apologise for this to those of you who did visit this site frequently, enjoyed it, and perhaps planned to enter your Petz in a show someday, but we did feel that we had to close down to prevent future issues with this site. You may still listen to the midi until there is a new site at this address and this one is deleted completely.

~The staff of Petz 1 Showplace

Midi: "What is Love?" by Haddaway. NOTE: If you are using Internet Explorer, then you will need to look at the very bottom of the page to start hearing the MIDI, because that is where the script for playing the MIDI is. Don't ask me to explain it, just take my word for it. Only IE users need to worry about that. Thanks for your patience.


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You are visitor # since May 16, 1999.

While you are here, it is advised that you visit My World War 2 Page, which is dedicated to my grandfather. It is recommended for students by 10 out of 10 teachers =)

This website is © 1999 Sarah Gubbins. All Rights Reserved.

Petz, Dogz, and Catz are trademarks of PF Magic.