Family Web Pages
Bob and Karen Lipscomb
Kennesaw, Georgia
Christmas 2005

 Christmas 2005  Pictured left to right, Sharon Sipes, Pam Mapp, Jason Parker, Cameron Parker, Linda Parker,
Connor Parker, Karen Lipscomb, Bob Lipscomb, Dogs; Maggie Richane, Dibbs Richane & Annie Lipscomb
Not pictured; Jim, Carol and April Richane

Hello and welcome to our personal family
web pages.  The Lord has blessed us with four
beautiful grown daughters, two sons-in-law,  two
grandsons and a granddaughter.  We enjoy our children
and their families
very much. We use this webpage to share
some of our memories
  with our extended family and
friends.  Come back and visit often as these pages get
updated frequently.

Click on the Links below
to access additional pages.

Touch-a-Truck Day
April's Second Birthday Party
Lipscomb Family Reunion
At the Fair
Introducing April Ashley Richane
Lipscomb Family History 

Click here to send us e-mail.


 This page last updated March 28, 2006.