These are gifts from some of

my special friends and I want

to thank them with all my heart.

What would we do without those

special people in our lives?

Friends are earned and we have

to work at being the best friend

we can be.To have friends,

be a friend.

This first gift was a globe

given to me for my birthday

this year.Thank you sis and FBF,Phyllis.

Click on to the globe to

visit her lovely site

The gift above was given to me

for my birthday this year,by Andy.

Thanks,Andy it is beautiful.

Click on to the gift to visit

her delightful site.

This was given to me by

Andy right after I got out

of the hospital.Thank you Andy.

This award was given to me

for signing Andys guest book.

Please click on to the award

to visit her beautiful site.

This is Andy's sense of humor

at work.Thank you.:-)

This award was given to me by Jo.

She is a special friend

The gift above is from Bonnie.

Thank you very much,It is beautiful.

The gifts above were given to

me by Dee.Please visit her great

site,You will be glad you did.


Thanks for coming by and please

come again.I am sure I will

be adding more gifts.Right friends..(grin)

I wish to thank the sites below

for the use of their background

and graphics.Please pay them a visit

and let them know you were there.

Annes Place(graphics)

Bax Bax Bax

North Carolina