Contra Dancing in Ellensburg, WA
1st Saturdays, November to May
Hal Holmes Community Center 209 North Ruby St
7:30-10:30 pm
- All dances taught
- Live music
- Everyone is welcome, at any level of experience
- No dress code-- anything goes
- Free admission, thanks to the Ellensburg Public Library
- Co-sponsored by Kittitas County Contra Dancers and the Ellensburg Public Library
Directions to Hal Holmes:
- FROM THE NORTH/WEST: take exit 106 from I-90, go straight into town on University Way, turn R. (south) onto Main St., turn L. onto 3rd Ave., and go 3 blocks to Ruby St. The Holmes Center is on Ruby between 2nd and 3rd Avenues, next to the library.
- FROM THE SOUTH/EAST: take exit 109 from I-90, turn R. (north) onto Canyon Rd. which becomes Main St., turn R. onto 3rd Ave., and go 3 blocks to Ruby St. The Holmes Center is on Ruby between 2nd and 3rd Avenues, next to the library.
- If you get lost, just ask anybody where the Hal Holmes Center is. It's a well-known place.
MAP from the Ellensburg Public Library website.
Schedule for 2008/2009:
November 1 | Marte & Jan | Miche, Hugh, & Forrest |
December 6 | Marte Fallshore | Scatter Creek |
January 3 | Mike Shuh | North Pine String Band |
February 7 | Jan Demorest | Quit Thinkin' |
March 7 | Gary Miller | Scatter Creek |
April 4 | Gary Miller | Mill Creek String Band |
May 2 | Marte Fallshore | Little Big Cat |
(summer break) | | |
Other Local Dances:
- Yakima has dances at the Broadway Grange, Washington & 10th Avenues, on 2nd Saturdays, except for June and August. Contact: sheltonj48@msn.com.
- The Swauk-Teanaway Grange at 1361 Ballard Hill Rd, east of Cle Elum, has occasional contra dances. The last one was October 25. Call Gerry Lloyd at 509/674-1989 for details.
- For more Washington contra dances, see the links below.
- International folk dancing has started up in Ellensburg. The next date is Sunday March 29, 6-8 pm. The folk dances are at the Hal Holmes Center (sponsored by the E-burg Public Library) and are free. Teaching by Liz Whitaker. Call Marte at 509/925-6745.
What is contra dancing? -- Atlanta site with explanations and links to YouTube videos
What is contra dance? -- Gary Shapiro's site
Seattle dances of all types
Wenatchee contra dance site
Tri-Cities -- Three Rivers Folklife Society
Spokane Folklore Society
Moscow/Pullman -- Palouse Folklore Society
Hood River (OR) -- Mid-Columbia Folklore Society
Nation-wide contra dance links -- Dwayne Johnson's site
Nation-wide and world contra dance links -- Charlie Seelig's site
Ellensburg tourism site -- links to lodging, dining, maps, weather, history, etc.
Ellensburg Public Library and Hal Holmes Community Center
Questions or comments? Email us at martendale@elltel.net
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Web site maintenance and photographs by
Dale Brubaker,
a volunteer with the Kittitas County Contra Dancers.
Last updated 03/27/09.