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Family Genealogy Home Page

Primary families:
Olp - Zeise, Ballenthin - Glienke


Updated Mar., 2009

Sandra Ballenthin, Faribault Sr. High School, Faribault, MN ('61)

This will be a no frills source for retrieving all/portions of family history detail I've located and entered on this page. It is hoped you have a favorite word processor to paste data into, select formatting choices and print at your discretion. You will need to know which branch of my tree you're descended from. Please use the Edit, Find command of your browser to locate family names on this page until I complete a surnames links index. It is hoped you will respect all the folks entered here, for they are loved VERY much! We begin......

From Pommern, Germany they came:

Johann Friedrich Ferdinand Olp and Friederike Dorothea Charlotte Strege
City of Wollin/Wolin and Chinnow/Chynowo in Kreis Usedom-Wollin
1849 via Hamburg, Quebec & Buffalo, NY

Ferdinand Ballenthin and Friedericke Peters
(parents of Johann Ballenthin) did not emigrate
Also, Ottilie (Carl Sorgatz) in 1890 via Bremen & Castle Garden, NY;
Hermine (Karl Dobruntz), Heinrich, Augusta (Karl Hinz) who did not emigrate
Kreis and town unknown, probably Wocknin/Okunino, Kreis Rummelsburg

Descendants of the following emigrated in early 1900s:
Johann Ballenthin and Emma Glienke/Martha Glienke
Herrmann Karl Glienke and Auguste Kröggel
(parents of Emma and Martha)
Also, Hulda, Minna, Mathilda (Luedtke)
Groß Schwirsen/Swierzno, Plötzig/Plocicz, Pritzig/Przytocko
and other surrounding towns, Rummelsburg/Miatsko
Pomerania/Pommern/Pomorze/Pomorskie, Poland/Posen

From Schlesian, Germany they came:

From Buckowintke in 1867, 1869, 1875 via Bremen & Ellis Island
Name changes: Buchenwerder in 1935, Oels, Schlesian, Germany
Bukowinka in 1988 to Bukwinka, Oleśnicki, Twardogóra, Dolnoœl¹skie, Poland :
Silesia/Lower Silesia/Schlesien/Niederschlesian/Slask, Poland

Gottlieb Zeise and Elizabeth Bartch (did not emigrate), children.....
Johann Gottlieb Zeise and Johanna Dorothea Wurm (1875)
Ernest W. Zeise and Anna Rosina Tischer (1867 & 1869)
Karl Zeise, believed to have returned to Silesia.
Two Zeise daughters, did not emigrate.
Auguste Louise Tischer Dosdall (Anna's sister in 1875 with Zeise-Wurm family)

Olp - Strege - Nass
Zeise - Tischer - Wurm
Ballenthin - Peters
Glienke - Kroggel - Lieder

O L P - S T R E G E - N A S S


Oldest known Olp family member:
Johann Friedrich Ferdinand Olp, b: 8-26-1807 in City of Wollin, Kreis Usedom-Wollin, Pommern, Germany; d: 9-30-1892 in Cooperstown Twp, Manitowoc Co., Wisconsin. Lived in good health; retained memory into old age. He died on a Friday afternoon. Worked as a miller (Germany) and farmer (WI). His village/town is located 46.4 km and 5 degrees from Stettin, which is known today as Szczecin.
Read more on Chinnow and Wollin (now Wolin, Poland).
Pictures of Chinnow and Wollin courtesy Pommern Regional Group of MN

Image, Ferdinand Olp Wisconsin land record certificate
Image Index text, Ferdinand Olp Wisconsin land record certificate

Married on 10-26-1833 in the Evangelische Kirche, Kolzow (now Kolczewo/Nowe, Poland), Kreis Usedom-Wollin, Pommern, Germany to Friederike Dorothea Charlotte Strege, b: 9-17-1808 in Chinnow, Kreis Usedom-Wollin, Pommern, Germany; d: 1-26-1882 in Cooperstown Twp, Manitowoc Co., Wisconsin. Cause of death: Lingering illness and frailness. Enjoyed generally good health in life. Homemaker.

Friederike's parents: Martin Friedrich Strege, Regina Maria Kohlat. Baptized 9-25-1808 in the church at Kolzow (short distance from Chinnow). She had 3 sponsors (names to be added). She was also confirmed there. An older brother, Johann Friedrich, b. 1805 is known from a Kolzow church baptism record, more research being done from four Mormon films (baptisms, marriages, deaths 1800-1874, film numbers 1273039 Item 3, 1273040, 1273041, 1273042 Item 1.
Genealogy (1 generation) Report detail (work in progress, contact me):
Johann Friedrich Ferdinand Olp and Friederike Dorothea Charlotte Strege

Ferdinand and Friederike 9 children:
William "Bill" Olp, b: 1833 in Stettin, Prussia, Germany; d: Unknown in Oregon
Married Vienna Mexico Wikle, b: 7-25-1851 in Atlanta, Fulton County, Georgia
d: 4-25-1946 in Prairie City, Grant County, Oregon
m: 11-11-1888 in Prairie City, Oregon

NEED HELP FINDING HER! Augustine "Augusta" Wilhelmine Olp, b: 1-25-1835 in Leussin, Usedom-Wollin, Pommern, Germany; d: Unknown in Unknown. She emigrated in 1849 with her parents. She is 15 yrs. old on the 1850 census in Milwaukee, Wisconsin with her parents. Her twin sister......

Friederike Wilhelmine Olp, b: 1-25-1835 in Leussin, Usedom-Wollin, Pommern, Germany. She is not listed in the 1850 U.S. Census with the family. It is possible she died before or during the 1849 emigration journey. Nothing more is known.

"Julius" Heinrich Wilhelm Olp, b: 6-17-1836 in Chinnow, Usedom-Wollin, Pommern, Germany; d: 6-11-1894 in Cooperstown, Manitowoc Cty, Wisconsin
Married Johanna C. W. Nass, b: 3-14-1841 in Pommern, Germany, Prussia; d: 10-22-1904 in Manitowoc, WI
m: 8-20-1859 in Cooperstown Twp., Manitowoc County, Wisconsin
Julius and Johanna had 6 children, oldest to youngest:
Rosalie (Roselia) W. B. Olp, Anton Karl J. Olp (12 children), Robert G. H. Olp (5 children), August William Olp (9-22-1877 to 7-26-1895), Wilhelm J. Olp (6-10-1881 to 6-15-1881), George August Wilhelm Olp.

"Carl" Theodore Friedrich Olp, b: 8-11-1838 in Chinnow, Usedom-Wollin, Germany; d: Abt. 1899 in Cooperstown Twp, Manitowoc Co., Wisconsin. Nothing more is known.

Friedrich "Ludwig" Edward Olp, b: 11-23-1840 in Chinnow, Usedom-Wollin, Pommern, Germany; d: Aft. 1892 in Wisconsin
Married Augusta Buth, b: Abt. 1843 in Pommern, Prussia, Germany; d: Unknown in Unknown m: Unknown in Wisconsin. Marriage date unknown
Ludwig and Augusta had 9 children, believed oldest to youngest:
Emma E. L. Olp, Wilhelm Julius Ferdinand Olp, Elizabeth (Bessie) Olp, Gustav William A. Olp, Alma A. R. W. Olp, triplets Albert Olp, Karl Olp, Wilhelm John K. Olp (only Karl lived).

"Robert" George Friedrich Olp, b: 3-20-1843 in Chinnow, Kreis Usedom-Wollin, Pommern, Germany; d: 3-23-1924 in Maple Grove township, Manitowoc county, WI
Married Mathilda Nass, b: 5-2-1850 in Germany, d: 6-28-1927 in Maple Grove Township, Manitowoc county, WI
m: 1868 in Wisconsin
Robert and Mathilda had 8 children (see below).
Robert is my great-grandfather.

"Hermann" Gottlieb Christian Olp, b: 10-9-1845 in Chinnow, Kreis Usedom-Wollin, Pommern, Germany; d: 6-25-1913 in Prairie City, Grant County, Oregon.
Married Sarah Jane Johnson, b: 7-16-1857 in West Union, Fayette County, Iowa; d: 11-15-1942 in Prairie City, Grant County, Oregon.
m: 6-15-1874 in Prairie City, Grant County, Oregon
Hermann and Sarah had 11 children, oldest to youngest:
Twins Jennine Augusta Olp and Charlotte Fredericka Olp, Amelia Matilda Olp, Sarah Lorena Olp, Herman Frederick Olp, William Montgomery Olp, Robert Bracket Olp, Charles Samuel Olp, Ruth Rosealpha Olp, Harriette Eleanor Olp, Julius Ludwig Olp
Charles Samuel, son of Herman & Sarah, Olp - Grace Viles family report begins here:

"Mathilda" S. A. Olp, b: 3-6-1850 in (unconfirmed) Milwaukee, Wisconsin; d: 6-20-1924 in Town of Morrison, Brown County, Wisconson. She is on the 1850 census, 4 mo. old living in Milwaukee with her parents. She married August A. Haese (b. 1-10-1843 Germany, d: 9-12-1915 in Morrison, Brown County, Wisconsin) on 1-15-1869 in Manitowoc County (probably St. John's Lutheran in Maribel, Wisconsin). They are buried Zion Evangelical Cemetery, Morrison, Brown County, Wisconsin, adjacent to the church. August ran the Haese Saw Mill until his death, son Arthur sold it in 1919, it burned shortly after. They had 11 children (this is still being researched); oldest to youngest: Robert (b. 8-1873), Emma, Bertha, Julie, Arthur, Eleanor, August, Caroline, Helen, Ida, Louise.

More on Robert and Mahtilda Olp family:
Robert and Mahtilda Nass had 8 children, oldest to youngest:
Julia (Otto Knuth, 4 children)
Otto Julius (Emma Minna - Minnie - Zeise, 6 children, see below)
Wilhelm Karl (Adeline, one child)
Helena W. B. (Herman K.E. Jaeger, 7 children)
Gustav (wife unknown, 1 known child)
Bertha Rosa J. (William E. Wegner)
Rosalie Wilhelmena Augusta (August "Charlie" Gauger, 2 children)
Robert August William, Jr. (Alvina Schley, 3 children)
Otto Julius is my grandfather.

Otto and Emma Minna (Minnie) Zeise had 6 daughters, oldest to youngest:
Ella & Walter Kelm (1 child)
Emma & Fred Williams - (tributes & story) (5 children)
Dorothy & Art Firch (no children)
Frieda & Emil Krupp (tribute) (1 child)
Edna & Herman Ballenthin (tributes & story) (1 child)
Alvera & Ted Lustig (tributes & Lustig genealogy) (5 children)
Edna Olp Ballenthin is my mother.
cir. 1972 picture of Olp sisters
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Z E I S E - T I S C H E R - W U R M


Oldest known:
Gottlieb Zeise & Elizabeth Bartch
Their 5 known children:
Johann Gottlieb (emigrated 1875) (Johanna Wurm, 9 children)
(parents of Johanna, Carl & Anna R. nee Henke Wurm)
Ernest W. Zeise (emigrated 1867) (Anna Rosina Tischer, 5 children)
Karl believed to have returned to Silesia.
Two known sisters. Stayed in Germany. No other information.
Ernest W. is my great-grandfather.

Children of Ernest W. & Anna Rosina Zeise, oldest to youngest:
Rudolph (Ida Dorothea Blume, 9 children)
Emma Minna "Minnie" (Otto Olp, 6 children) (see Olp-Strege section for more)
Bertha (August Schley, 11 children)
August (Christine Whilmenia Kuhnke, 4 children)
Anna (William H. Wegner, 11 children)
Minnie is my grandmother.

Genealogy (1 generation) & Family Group Sheet reports detail:
Anna Rosina (nee Tischer) & Ernest W. Zeise

Report: Augusta Louise Tischer Dostall
Sister to (Louisa) Anna Rosina Tischer Zeise

Children of Johann Gottlieb & Johanna Zeise, oldest to youngest:
Johanna (Ludwig Frank, 2 children; Wm. Ogrosky, 8 children)
Henriette (Leonard Bion, 2 children)
Ernst Carl "Robert" (Anna Weinknecht, 4 children; Rilda Stewart, 7 children)
Johanna Christine "Pauline" (Peter Ochs, 5 children)
Louise (Philip Wegner, 3 children)
Emma (Otto Pieper, 4 children)
Fredrick (Olive Vick, 9 children)
HELP NEEDED - to find Rilda's step-sister Rachael Stewart Verzani and husband Sabino. Lived for a time Owatonna, MN and Faribault, MN. Buried Calvary Cemetery, Faribault.

1897 Steele Cty, MN Land Platte map. Ernest Zeise section 16; Johann "Gottlieb" Zeise, sections 14-15

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B A L L E N T H I N - P E T E R S
G L I E N K E - K R Ö G G E L - L I E D E R


Oldest known:
Ferdinand Ballenthin and Friedericke Peters
Their 5 children: Ottilie (Carl Sorgatz, 9 children), Hermine (Karl Dobruntz, 1 child known), Heinrich (Hilda Bauermann, 5 children, Augusta (Karl Hinz, 2 children), Johann (Emma & Martha Glienke, 14 children).
Johann is my grandfather.

Johann Ballenthin (b.1-3-1869 in Wocknin, Rummelsburg, Germany; d. 11-1948 in Burkersdorf, Thüringia, Germany) married Emma Glienke (b: Abt. 1876; d: 5-1914 in Groß Schwirsen, Rummelsburg, Pommern, Germany) and had 6 children, oldest to youngest:
Frieda (Karl Kuchenbäcker, 1 child)
Herman (emigrated Dec, 1924 via Bremen & Ellis Island) (Edna Olp, 1 child)
Erich (Edith, 1 child)
Martha (Albert Bauschke, 2 children)
Otto (Anne Tresemer, 1 known child)
Willi (emigrated Jan., 1930 via Hamburg & Ellis Island) (Adeline Heyer, 4 children)
Herman is my father.

Johann remarried Martha Glienke (Emma's sister) in 1915; she was born 9-3-1891, Groß Schwirsen, Rummelsburg, Pommern, Germany, died 5-1-1965 in Burkersdorf, Thüringia, Germany. They had 8 children:
Elli (died young)
Hans (Freda Kruse)
Walter (unmarried, died Oct., 1943)
Else (b. 1921, died in Burksdorf, Germany)
Meta (died aft. 1945 in Siberia)
Gertrude (married, 1 known child) died in Burkersdorf, Thüringia, Germany
Gerhard (Margarete, 1 child)
Erna (Johannes Friedrich Kratsch, 2 children)

Ballenthin Family Group Sheet reports (work in progress, contact me):
Ferdinand & Friedericke (Peters)
Johann & Emma (Glienke)
Johann & Martha (Glienke)
Ottilie (Ballenthin) & Carl Sorgatz
Hermann & Auguste (Kroggel) Glienke

I will be adding the detail for all the descendants. Please come visit often! (under construction)

Maps, Flags, Histories, Interesting facts, Other reference tools

2001 Trinity Lutheran Church Walther League Reuntion, Faribault, MN

For questions or comments, contact:
Sandra Ballenthin Van Erp
1748 N. McKnight Rd.
Maplewood (St. Paul), MN 55109-4850
Phone: 651-770-5471, Fax: 360-365-6978


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