Welcome to my Guestbook!

Pet Paradize - 11/29/00 07:54:18
My URL:http://www.scarfzone.homestead.com
My Email:PetParadize@Pet-Paradize.every1.net


Tonya Slavick - 09/30/00 20:31:50
My Email:homebound9@prodigy.net
Do you own a Shar-Pei: no
Where are you from: Cleveland, OH


Sandra Mishchenko - 03/27/00 19:35:58
My Email:mishchenko_sandra@hotmail.com
Do you own a Shar-Pei: yes
Where are you from: Israel

I very love shar-pei,the're so cute! When they puppys they so smart! When they grow up they so smart... They are sweet! Sandra.

richard - 03/25/00 06:40:11
My Email:rifleman@pacbell.net
Do you own a Shar-Pei: yes
Where are you from: california

Hi have two kids (shar-pei's) oldest is almost 13 yrs black in color. purchased two at the same time but his cousin died at the age of five. they said it was cousing syndrome but now not sure after reading articals on amyloidosis. second is a rescue female chocolate in color anf since fixed turned into a 60 b ball. but love them anyway she eats very little big gains weight in the blink of your eye. a quick question if you can help. having problem triming the older guys nails. he has problem walking (shoulder) and needs a trim but fightsme to the hilt. any suggestions as you may have had a similar problem with one of yours. any thoughts or suggestion would be a real help thanks Richard

richard - 03/25/00 06:33:31
My Email:rifleman@pacbell.net
Do you own a Shar-Pei: yes
Where are you from: california

Hi have two kids (shar-pei's) oldest is almost 13 yrs black in color. purchased two at the same time but his cousin died at the age of five. they said it was cousing syndrome but now not sure after reading articals on amyloidosis. second is a rescue female chocolate in color anf since fixed turned into a 60 b ball. but love them anyway she eats very little big gains weight in the blink of your eye. a quick question if you can help. having problem triming the older guys nails. he has problem walking (shoulder) and needs a trim but fightsme to the hilt. any suggestions as you may have had a similar problem with one of yours. any thoughts or suggestion would be a real help thanks Richard

Inge BIjvoets - 02/29/00 18:06:26
My URL:http://tsjoeng_foe.tripod.com
My Email:IBijvoets@cs.com
Do you own a Shar-Pei: Yes!!
Where are you from: The Netherlands

I find your Site very nice and you have beautiful dogs. Our fourth Shar Pei will be here in a couple off weeks. She comes from a breeder in the States. I will visit your site again in the future!

tracey - 01/26/00 02:01:18
My Email:mystic@wmol.com
Do you own a Shar-Pei: yes
If so how many: two
Where are you from: michigan

hi, i have two shar-pei. one is from a breeder from holland also. maybe same person you got yours from. his name is sumo and he is a cream brush coat. my other i got from a breeder in muskegon- his name is yoshi - a black brush coat. nice pics-

- 01/19/00 00:34:03
Do you own a Shar-Pei: No


Michele Plumley - 01/10/00 06:52:32
My URL:http://wrinklemoon
My Email:wrinklemoon@msn.com
Do you own a Shar-Pei: yes
If so how many: two
Where are you from: Spokane WA

I just got my computer a week ago and have been reseaching Shar pei like mad. This is the first sight that I have seen show newborn Shar pei. Keep up the awesome work!!

Carmelina - 11/28/99 17:56:18
My URL:http://www.agora.stm.it/del.settimosigillo
My Email:c.galluccio@agora.stm.it
Do you own a Shar-Pei: yes
If so how many: 25
Where are you from: Lecce Italy

very beautiful site.

Phillip Horn - 11/03/99 14:30:03
My Email:hornp@hotmail.com
Do you own a Shar-Pei: Not yet!
Where are you from: Inez, KY

You've got some beautiful animals here!

Mirjana - 10/23/99 17:05:57
My URL:/Heartland/Grove/4658/
My Email:mama_pei@yahoo.com
Do you own a Shar-Pei: yes...
If so how many: 12
Where are you from: Slovenia

Hi, your pupies are very cute...like your site and dogs...best wishes from Golding Kennel, Slovenia..Mirjana

Carleen Gough - 09/27/99 14:02:53
My URL:/Petsburgh/6616
My Email:cgough5969@aol.com
Do you own a Shar-Pei: Yes thank God!!!!!
If so how many: eleven
Where are you from: Ayden, North Carolina

What a beautiful site and the shar-pei adults are very nice looking dogs. The puppies are adorable,can't wait to see them as they grow.I will come back to visit let us know when you update the peibabies. Carleen

Nancy Ternent - 09/27/99 12:00:33
My Email:ternents@home.com
Do you own a Shar-Pei: Yes
If so how many: one
Where are you from: Sarasota, Fl.

Really nice pages and the puppies are very sweet.

cecilia vieira - 09/08/99 02:51:52
My Email:afloresv@ctcinternet.cl
Do you own a Shar-Pei: yes
If so how many: one
Where are you from: santiago.chile

Hi! we have a beautiful female called zara.she has 3 months and was very sick with a pioderma and a lot of skin afeccions.Now is better, after a lot of love and carefully treatment.bye! Alvaro & Cecilia.

Carleen Gough - 08/24/99 13:53:23
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Petsburgh/6616
My Email:cgough5969@aol.com
Do you own a Shar-Pei: no they own me!!!!LOL
If so how many: eleven
Where are you from: North Carolina

Beautiful web page Cindy as usual did a beautiful job,your lucky to know her. As far as the shar-pei they are to die for just great looking dogs. I have a Camary also and a Toyota they we both born in my daughters car on the way to the vets, yep you guess it we were driving a Toyota Camary. Good luck in the future will puppies, I'll come back to visit. Carleen Gough And the Pooh Bear Gang

Miriam Becker - 08/24/99 12:42:18
My URL:http://hello.to/wrinklydawgs
My Email:MirmBecker@aol.com
Do you own a Shar-Pei: yes
Where are you from: Austin, Texas

Great site! You have some gorgeous peibies!

Neva - 08/04/99 05:50:13
My URL:http://userpages.aug.com/genesis
My Email:genesis@aug.com
Do you own a Shar-Pei: Gena is her name
If so how many: just the one now.
Where are you from: Florida

Nice page, I taught Cindy her stuff! hehehe

Anthony J. Fernandes - 06/11/99 17:40:53
My Email:afernand@ipdinc.com
Do you own a Shar-Pei: yes
Where are you from: Newport, RI

I own a black shar pei...his name is JinnSoo. He's spoiled rotten...but I love him. Would love to find him a chocolate brother or sister. Enjoyed cruising by your site. Anthony

Veronica - 06/01/99 00:34:56
My URL:http://www.homestead.com/wrinkles2/sharpei1.html
My Email:mvok@msn.com
Do you own a Shar-Pei: yes
If so how many: two
Where are you from: New England

Great website! Cute pei!

Cherrie Kjar - 03/23/99 18:36:25
My Email:ckjar@corus.jnj.com
Do you own a Shar-Pei: in about a week or so
Where are you from: New Jersey

I am soon going to be a new mommy to my first Shar-Pei. So any pointers, suggestions, etc. on training, feeding or any general information that you could fill me in on would be such a great help. Thanks.

Cherrie Kjar - 03/23/99 18:34:41
My Email:ckjar@corus.jnj.com
Do you own a Shar-Pei: in about a week or so I will
Where are you from: New Jersey


selena ordon - 02/28/99 21:00:13
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~selena2/rnr.html
My Email:rnr@sympatico.ca
Do you own a Shar-Pei: yeppers I do
If so how many: 2 and babys on the way
Where are you from: Kingston Ont Canada

Patti your page look's great Cindy did a great job All the best with Beaner's litter can wait till there born so we can see pic's. Can't wait till Raven's are here too :-) Good Luck. Selena

Mirjana Buhovac - 02/27/99 18:19:12
My URL:http://www.elvod.co.yu/~golding
My Email:dejan.buhovac@siol.net
Do you own a Shar-Pei: yes
If so how many: 6 adult
Where are you from: SLOVENIA

Hi Patty, congratulations for new web site. I like your peibes. Best wishes and regard's from Slovenia. Mirjana

Lynda Corkum - 02/08/99 20:46:09
My URL:http://www.physics.mcgill.ca/~lynda
My Email:lynda@physics.mcgill.ca
Do you own a Shar-Pei: Yes
If so how many: One, 11-yr. old female, fawn horsecoat named Taffy
Where are you from: Montreal

Patti, Beautiful dogs! Nice page too.

Marge Kempf - 02/08/99 00:16:51
My Email:Gmasdilly2@aol.com
Do you own a Shar-Pei: yes
Where are you from: Appleton, WI

I like your dogs. My 12 week old puppy is from Judi Todd. Blugrass' Mandoline Wind.

Lois Sauer - 02/07/99 23:56:02
My Email:sharpei@sowega.net
Do you own a Shar-Pei: Yes
Where are you from: Originally: Elmhurst/OakBrook, IL now Cordele, GA

Patti, your dogs are really nice. I'll be returning to see pictures of your puppies!!!!

Judi Todd - 02/07/99 23:47:42
My Email:BlugrassPei@WebTV.net
Do you own a Shar-Pei: Of course!
If so how many: Hmmmmm, do I have to count them?? Enough to keep me hopping.
Where are you from: Michigan

Patti, Good to see you finally got the page up. Austin looks really good in the one pic. Designer's grandson Gunner too. And Camry, well, she's still as baggy as ever!

Carol Lint - 02/07/99 23:39:24
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Meadows/5201
My Email:carolat@ohiohills.com
Do you own a Shar-Pei: YES!!!!!!
If so how many: Too many, LOL
Where are you from: Amanda, Ohio

Great page, really liked your dogs. I will come back often to see updates, Carol

Cindy de Nottbeck - 02/07/99 21:55:43
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Acres/9504
My Email:nottbecksharpei@home.com
Do you own a Shar-Pei: yes
If so how many: four
Where are you from: Kitchener Ontario Canada

Finally Patti ,I got this Guestbook to work.Your Pei look good,can`t wait for more pic`s.Hope you like it so far.

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