A Great Big "HOWDY DO"!
I live in Dublin, GA the "sister city" of Dublin, Ireland. Not to be out done by
any rival towns, Dublin GA has a month long celebration during the month of
March "JAM-PACKED" with fun and excitement for everyone. People
from around the country come to participate in the festivities
during the month long celebration of St. Patrick's Day in
Dublin, GA. There is probably some of you saying to
yourselves, "Dublin, GA.
"Where is Dublin, GA"?
I've never heard of it." Well, you have now!!!
I am delighted to have you join me for a
"peek" of
Dublin's St Patrick's Day Festivities.
Let's begin out tip-toe- down the streets to catch a glimpse of some of the events that take place during St. Pat's Day Festivties during the month of March in
"good ole" Dublin.
Well, are you ready?

Time is wasting.
Let's get going!
On with the show!
Come on!
I'm waiting on you
Let's go for it!
Let your
do the
and just maybe you "will" or
maybe you "won't" find a

waiting for you at the end of your
In any case there's lots more to see.
Follow me....