My Current Rank

Hey, everybody. I'm Brian. As you probably already guessed I'm in the Army. I am a 74B (Computer Specialist). I'm currently stationed at Camp Carroll, Korea.I am assigned to the 293rd Signal Company, 36th Signal Battallion, 1st Signal Brigade. I work in the IMA shop. Below you will find useless information about me.
1st Signal BDE

Current Events...

I have been in Korea for about 6 months now, coming up on Mid-tour Leave. It will be nice to see my family again. I got an email from my branch manager asking if I would consider a nominal assignment to Boling AFB in Washington DC. I would have to re-enlist or extend again, but it looks like a good assignment. It is with the DIA. I agreed that if selected I would extend and he put together a packet and submitted it to DIA. Now I am waiting to hear the results. I'll keep you posted...

Useless Information
Age 27
Current Duty Station Camp Carroll, Korea
Military Occupational Specialty 74B20 - Information Systems Operator/Analyst
Date Entered U.S. Army October 18, 1996
Date of Rank December 13, 2001
Latest Weapons Qualification Marksman July 3, 2002
Latest Army Physical Fitness Test 242 - April 27, 2001
Yahoo Messenger Mosherweb
Email - Home
Email - Work

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