Helping the Children

Magazine reports and television news programs have documented the many serious problems faced by Russia's abandoned and institutionalized children. With budgets of only a few cents per day with which to feed, cloth and care for the children, Siberian social service providers are struggling to perform miracles. As you may know things tend to get worse financially in the hinterland, far from the public eye in Moscow and St. Petersburg.

Despite terrible shortages and wages that are far to low and behind schedule; dedicated and loving workers are struggling to keep these children alive. These efforts are often at great cost to their own families.

Our current photos are cute, we don't want to frighten anyone, but we are fearful over the fate of these children. Many of these lovely toddlers are facing starvation and a lack of essential medical care. In response to this need, the families have begun a relief effort. We would greatly appreciate your help. If you would like to contribute to this effort to help the children of Siberia, please contact us.

Our fiscal agent for the Buriatia relief effort is

Baikal Region Adoptive Family Fund
P.O. Box 2672
Appleton, WI 54912-2672

Contributions should be made payable to Baikal Region Adoptive Family Fund with Buriatia Relief, or any special intention such as Mongolian orphan support in the memeo section. Donations will be recognized and you will de sent a receipt.

100% of the money donated goes directly to aid the children in Buriatia, and Mongolia. At present the funds are going to buy basic medical needs for the children. Some of the parents have also started a small fund to pay for vaccinations for abandoned children.In the over five years of our effort we are having a fantastic impact raising over $300,000 for the needs of the children, but with over 3,000 homeless and orphan children in Buriatia alone we need all the help we can find.



Getting ready to go home

Babies at the orphanage

Children with Nannas and New Parents

Sveta Playing in the Fall Leaves
Outside the Orphanage

Vladim and Another Little Dascha

Minister of People Social and Labor Defense, Stepan EFIMOV with an American Buryat Boy

Diane and Andre with four of the children they found homes for.

enjoying Buriatia's frequent sunshine

Buriat Children with Visitors from Buriatia

Faradad and Dascha in the Orphanage

Still here, missing our friends who went to America

Hospital Staff in Ulan Ude with Byer and His New Parents

Vladim, Vera, and another Byer play with Luda

New Pictures From Siberia,

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