This page is about our families and where we come from.

Research is currently being done on the following surnames:

Collum, Crist, Foor, Fore, Honea, Kiger, Mayes, McKenney, Messenger, Miller, Moody, Parsons

Shook, Wakefield, Webb, Welshans, Wilson, Wofford


I have placed all my Welshans & related names info into a seperate database. If you have any corrections or other info to share please email me. I am interested in any and all Welshans (any spelling) anywhere, anywhen. Thanks, Mendy.

Ancestors of Melinda Foor

Ancestors of Nathan Wofford

Coats of Arms

Index of Persons


3633 people - 1289 families

last updated: July 12, 2003

Welshans Database


Index of Persons

682 individuals, 221 families

last updated: July 12, 2003

Want to get in touch with me?
Like to exchange family info?
Email me! []

Some of my favorite places to surf through

Family Search - LDS site

Gen Forum

Census Online Links

Internet Tree - My other site

Search Engine

On Line Relatives (associated surnames)

Butch Stiver (McCann & Freeland)

Kristi Dawn Lake Gross (Wofford)

Les Buckalew (Bucklew & Hardesty)

Shelly (Foor)

Terry Moody Walker (Moody)


I'm indexing all my headstone photo's by cemetery. Check the appropriate index, email me if you want a copy of any of them and I'll send it back via email.

Lithopolis Cem., Lithopolis, Ohio

Salem Glick Cemetery, Fairfield Co., Ohio


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