by Robert C. Kramp, son of Robert K. Strike and Mary M. Gailliot
A Genealogical Adventure
Robert Kramp, 105 N. Westover Dr., Monroe, North Carolina, USA
email:  bobkramp(at)  [Replace (at) with the usual @ symbol]

Go to Annotated Index for this Web Site

IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT: I have moved most of the data for my paternal ancestors to a new site at Rootsweb. Please go there to follow his line of descent.
Mary M. Gailliot Fig. 1. My mother, Mary Margaret Gailliot, ca 1938.
My mother's paternal ancestors the GAILLIOT and DUMOULIN families were from respectively, North Rhein Westphalia, Germany, and Alsace (now part of France); and her maternal ancestors the AUSTEL and GUTGSELL families came from respectively, Bohemia (now part of Czech Republic) and France. The descendents of these families came to Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, in early 1880's to work in the steel mills. 
Robert Kramp, nee R. Strike Fig. 2. My father, Robert Carl Kramp, nee. Robert Karl Strike, ca. 1942.
My father's paternal ancestors were the STREICH and HOHNKE and adopted KRAMP families; and his maternal ancestors the RUSSELL and HARTLEY families. For my Father's Branch of my ancestral tree, please visit his web site.


Cologne, Germany, Medevil gate
Fig. 3. On A Family History Trip to Germany, Alsace, and Switzerland, Aug/ Sep, 2001
Genealogy and searching for Family History combine all the passions of my twilight years: research, writing, history, travel (including hiking and bicycling), languages, photography, adventure, meeting new people and places, and yes, eating.  It's all represented, or almost all, in this photo taken in Köln (a.k.a. Cologne), Germany, with the medieval gate and walls of the old city behind me. Where did this adventure lead me? Who was I looking for? Who and what did I find? View a photojournal of my trip.

Site index to my maternal ancestors

Re-visiting? See What's new or What's blogging Updates to this site. I started a blog in Spring 2007, with a Family History- autobiography theme. And, it's quick and easy for me to update.
Background for the GAILLIOT and DUMOULIN families Introduction to my mother's paternal ancestors from Germany and Alsace
Background for the AUSTEL and GUTGSELL Families Introduction to my mother's maternal ancestors from Bohemia and Alsace
Descendants of Anthony GAILLIOT and Helen SCHLEBUSCH 219 direct descendants and 100 spouses in 7 generations. Updated Mar 1999.
Photo Album for Gailliot/Dumoulin Families Images of Descendants of Henry Gailliot and Franceska Dumoulin
Descendants of Joseph AUSTEL and Margaret GUTGSELL 106 direct descendants and 66 spouses in 6 generations.
Photo Album for Austel/Gutgsell Families Images of Austel and associated families.
Obituaries and Death Notices Opens to alphabetized list.
My Pedigree (Ahnentafel) in Stone My Pedigree in tombstones images. Including a text version to represent those ancestors with no known memorial.
Remote www (URL's) links Sites to visit which are specifically associated with my maternal ancestors.
A list of Societies and Web Rings that I have joined Extending my contacts among fellow genealogists
Content of these pages copyrighted 1999 by Robert Charles Kramp

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