Welcome To Amanda's School Page
Welcome to my homepage. My name is Amanda but I go by **Sugar-n-Spice** on icq. I live in Oregon, I am 16 years old and I am a junior at West Albany High School. Home of the BULLDOGS. If you would like to visit there webpage it is
In memory of West Albany High Schools mascot (Chopper) "Sir Winston Chophill Huffman"
My Mom and Dad, Sharon and Bob have been married 31 years. I have a 22 year old brother named Robert Jr.. but we just call him Bobby, Hes in college over at LBCC. I have two silver toy poodles named Mysti who is 10 and Tasea who is 7. They are mother and daughter.
Some of my intrest are drawing,hanging with my friends,playing sports,talking on the computer
My family and I go to Church Of God 7th Day, and I am also member of the FYC (Faithful Youth Challengers). We are Sabbath keepers. If you would like to visit my church's homepage go to http://www.cog7.org/home.html
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