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Thank You Mom and Dad - Mr. & Mrs. Eugene V. Belt

* Deaf Family Seminars
* Deaf Family Newsletter - "Deaf Family"
* Deaf Family Newsletter - "Aug., 1999"

* Deaf TV Series - "Looking at the Deaf Family"
* Deaf Family Message for Churches
* Deaf Christian Counseling Conferences
* Deaf Christian Counseling Network
* Deaf Family Video Tape Ministry


We use seminars, conferences on deaf Christian counseling, deaf church growth, deaf discipleship and a T.V. series, presented in American Sign Language, to teach Godly principles to deaf families and churches.  This ministry is led by Rev. Lester H. Belt, son of deaf parents with twenty years of experience in working with deaf families and churches as a pastor and leader in the Christian deaf community.

If you want more information please call 703-256-0221 Voice or 703- 916-7509 TTY/FAX.

An Affiliate Ministry of Faith in the Family International

Send mail by clicking Deaf Family.                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Pray for Deaf Families. Special Prayer for the family and church of Rev. Eugene Bordean upon his home going.

 Great Christian Site:   


This page was last updated on

08/11/1999 02:58 PM