Welby and Halfpint's Homepage!
We have enjoyed chatting with so many people from around the world that we wanted to do this page so that the ones that we have chatted with could see what we look like to enable them to put a face with the chat.  We also are including pictures of our children, home and friends so that this will also give a clearer picture of the different conversations that we have had with people.  We hope that we will be able to meet more people with similar interests that we have that we would like to include on this page in the future.  Hopefully you enjoy the page, and we will see you on the net!!
Click on the Links on the Frames so that you can see our pictures and Please sign our Guestbook before you leave so that we can see who has visited here.  

Our Home
Our Children and Family
About Us
Activities and Snow Scenes
Welby & Halfpint
Artifact pics
Sign Guestbook
Tour of Our Home
Miniature Schnauzer, Our Pets  Page
Roof and Statue pictures
Special Holidays and Activities
Stardust's Page