
Gallery 1

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Gallery 4 ATCS

Stamp A Stack

Favorite Stamping Sites

Meet The
Heyer Family

E Mail

Handcrafted Cards

Hello, my name is Sharon and I live in upstate New York, Cortland to be exact. This web site was set-up solely for the purpose of displaying my artwork. There is nothing for sale here or no lessons being taught. If even one person gets inspired, then it has served its purpose.

I have been rubber stamping since the summer of 1998 and enjoy every moment I spend "creating". Just recently I have been getting involved in more and more swaps, and have discovered that this is a great way to pick up new ideas and techniques.

Please sit back, relax and enjoy the time you spend here. You may want to visit my links, as they contain only the sites that I feel have excellent prices on rubber stamps and also give the best of service.

If you have any questions or comments, feel free to drop me an E-Mail. I would love to hear from you.

Background Music "Aria" by Yanni

Updated January, 2007