I am here to testify to you that I know I am not the best of Christians, but I am getting my life back in order. I know the end is near for all of us. God's sand timer is slowly running out.... Who knows it may be tonight or tomorrow, or in the next minute. But I know that I want myself and my family to be ready. I want all my friends to be ready too ... Those who are left behind will only know agnoy and pain and suffering ... I want to go and be in Heaven and live eternally peaceful and happy... So if you are right with God, thats GREAT!! Praise the Lord!! If not, I pray for you, to find your way... Want to talk to me, email me, I will try to help to the best of my knowlegde and faith, if not I will direct you to someome who can.... but of course all answers you seek you will find in God's word, the Holy Bible! God be with you! |