Power of the Tongue
Did you know there is power in your tongue?
Death and life are in the power of the tongue,and they who indulge it shall eat the fruit of it (for death or life). Proverbs 18:21,Amplified Bible
What this verse is telling us is,you get what you say. You can wake in the morning and say,"oh,what a beautiful day!" Or,you can murmer and complain. Which of these makes for a better day?
There is a Bible secret of words.Words are spiritual:they carry power! The words we speak are of vital importance to our lives. Jesus said,I say unto you,That every idle word that men shall speak,they shall give account therof in the day of judgement. For by thy words thou shalt be justified,and by thy words thou shalt be condemned.(Matt.12:36,37)
You have been trained since birth to speak negative, death-dealing words. Unconsciously in your everyday conversation, you use the words of death,sickness,lack,fear,doubt, and unbelief: "That scared me to death". "That tickled me to death". "I laughed until I thought I would die". "I'm just dying to go". "That makes me sick". "I'm sick and tired of this mess". "I believe I'm getting the flu". "We just can't afford it". "I doubt it".
By speaking God's Word, you replace the negative forces at work in your life with the positive forces from the good treasure of your heart. Just as your words loose the powers of Satan, so can your words loose the power of God. Your words brought death and sickness; God's Word in your mouth will bring life and healing.Your words produced poverty and lack; God's Word will produce prosperity and abundance.
So,be careful what you let come past your lips!!
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