
Updated & maintained by Michael: Tuesday, 10th September 1999
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Michael turned 23 years old in March of 1999.

He has no side effects from having had Infantile Spasms (Hypsarrythmia).

He is completely cured.

Statements follow which I hope will be of help. I am Carolyn Chan, Michael's mother. Please feel free to contact Michael or myself with any queries.


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Michael was correctly diagnosed at 4 months of age. Michael started fitting after the triple antigen injection (Given to babies in Australia, to prevent the diseases tetanus, whooping cough and diphtheria). Michael had injections of intramuscular ACTH, (Adrenocorticotrophic Hormone) followed by Dexamethasone (oral steroids). He stopped fitting after the injections. Then Mogadon sleeping tablets for nearly 18 months. He had been having up to 8 fits a day all with different severity of up to 12 bursts in each fit.

Michael became allergic to the Mogadon at around 2 years of age and had to stop taking them. Immediately he went through withdrawal symptoms. He had the horrors and he would stand and crack his head on anything so I had to keep his forehead covered to protect his head, This went on for a about a week. These days you would be able to buy a helmet I suppose.

Dr. Appleton is the neurosurgeon who monitored Michael. He was incredibly surprised when I brought Michael to see him and on the last occasion when Michael had had the final breakthrough and walked into his surgery he thought I was playing a joke and this was Michael's older brother when Robert came in with my sister he had to accept this was Michael running around his office. Michael's EEG showed he was completely cured. He still had some catching up to do though at this stage. He was 2 years and 2 weeks old. The doctor later consulted with many other specialists and determined there were no mistakes in any past diagnosis and that Michael had once had hypsarrythmia and that he was cured.

If you wish your doctor to make contact with Dr. Appleton here is the address.

He was the head neurosurgeon at our largest hospital at the time Michael was seeing him and had his practice on the Terrace.

DR. D.B.APPLETON B.sc.,M.B.,B.S.F.R.C.P.(Edin.) F.R.A.C.P.

A more detailed description of my story

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is owned by Michael

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