When I got divorced, Moe is the one that came along to keep his "old man" company. He joined me on business trips to Maine and the cape and we had many dinners at the local pizza place. If it couldn't be microwaved we didn't eat it. It was a surprise, to me, that Moe decided to come live with me, although it was a pleasure to have him. Of all the kids, he was the one that I disciplined the hardest. When he was younger he had a wicked temper and both of us kind of learned to "Think before reacting" but the kid had a heart of gold and would do anything for me or his friends. He is one of the most loyale people that I know and hopefully that trait has rubbed off on me. Not only did I have Moe's company but I got to meet and spend lot's of time with his friends. They were and still are a great bunch of people. The name "Chief" came from them. I consider it an honorary title.
Thanks Moe

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