Fundulopanchax Gardneri, P-82, (Aphysemion)
also Mamfense, Misaji, Niger Lafia,

A colorfull little (one and one-half inch, 3-4 centimeter) killiefish that is easy to keep and spawn.
It is a good idea to spawn them in a community setting.
The best ratio for these fish is 3 females to every male.

To spawn these fish you will need a small tank, 10 or 15 gal.
A half inch to three quarter inch layer of clean, washed and boiled peat moss and 5-6 inches of water.
Either confine the peat to one corner of the container with a few 1 inch rocks or cover the bottom with 1/2-3/4 inch of peat, if you don't give them enough peat to hide the eggs, they will eat them. You can also use a pot-they will find it.

After putting the fish in give them several hours before feeding them.
Let them lay eggs for 3 to 14 days, depending on how much time you have.
Remember that the longer you leave the parents in their tub or tank the more size difference there will be in the fry.
The first eggs will begin to hatch at about 18-20 days and eggs will continue to hatch for up to 4 months later, maybe even longer...
The fry are ready to eat brineshrimp as soon as they hatch.

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