Preach and Practice Catch n' Release
as well as Boating Safety

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All photos are of areas located in the state of Illinois, unless otherwise indicated.
Fishing On and Near the Illinois River
PIC #1
PIC #2
Starved Rock State Park, near Utica, Illinois
Mouth of Vermillion River, looking north to the Illinois River.
PIC #3
PIC #4
PIC #5
PIC #6
Mouth of Coval Creek near its junction with the Illinois River.
Lake LaSalle (1987) east of Grand Ridge, Illinois
On the Illinois-Mississippi Canal
On the Illinois-Mississippi Canal
PIC #7
PIC #8
PIC #9
Catfish caught in mid-stream.
Carp caught near a grain elevator.
That's a heavy duty rod...
PIC #10
PIC #11
PIC #12
Like shooting fish in a barrel...
Which reason should I use this time?
Catch number ???
PIC #13
PIC #14
PIC #15
A good spot to catch "rubber bass"
What fishing is all about...
Another good spot to catch "rubber bass"
Fishing on LAKE SHABBANA, Illinois
PIC #16
PIC #17
PIC #18
PIC #19
Lake Shabanna, seen from shore.
Lake Shabanna, seen from mid-channel.
Deep-end structure at mid-channel
Northwest shallow end of Lake Shabbana
PIC #20
PIC #21
PIC #22
Shallow end, looking east at sunrise.
A time for contemplation...
Shallow end, looking west at sunset.
Variety is one spice of life...
PIC #23
PIC #24
PIC #25
PIC #26
Lake Shabbana Bass
Lake Shabbana Walleye
Lake Shabbana Frog
Illinois-Mississippi Canal Bass
PIC #27
PIC #28
PIC #29
Illinois River Carp
Illinois River Flathead Catfish
The very rare Illinois River Ray-Bac

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