In Christ . . . The first step to living the
full and abundant life is making Christ the
priority of your life. Jesus declared this when
He said: "If anyone desires to come
after me, let him deny himself, take up his cross
daily, and follow me" (Luke 9:23).
Imagine for a moment that your life is
represented by a circle. Christ desires to fill
that circle with His life-giving Spirit -- not
some of it, all of it! And when you do, those
things which once seemed impossible is suddenly
manifest in possibility and reality. Jesus says
it like this: "I am the vine you are the
branches; he that abides in me and I in him shall
bear much fruit. Apart from me, you can do
nothing" (John 15:5).
- The following links,
and each category that follows, will help you in
learn how to abide in Christ daily.
- Christianity Today magazine helps you in the
daily struggle to live life firmly connected to
Jesus Christ. Remember, with Christ all things
are possible -- without Him, nothing is possible
(cf John 15:5).
- Bible Study Tools - this site gives you all
the tools you need to study God's Word more
effectively with a wide range of Bible
translations, commentary resources, word study
tools and much more.

In Faith . . . Communication is an essential
element in any healthy relationship. Prayer is a
Christians means by which we communicate our
hopes, needs, and desires to God. Jesus affirms
that when believers pray in faith, God hears us
and answers our prayers: "If you abide
in me, and my word abides in you, ask whatever
you wish and it shall be done for you"
(John 15:7). When taking into consideration with
the discipline of Living in the Word, believers discover that
not only do we communicate to God via prayer but
that God communicates to us via His Word -- the
Holy Bible.
- Pastor Williams will be more than happy to
receive your prayer request and help provide
Bible-based answers to your struggles of life.
There are, in fact, many organizations that can
help. Let Pastor Williams suggest some today.

in the Word . . . Communication is an essential
element in any healthy relationship. The Bible is
God's inspired means of communicating with
believers. In fact, God's Word is to the
believer's spirit what food is to the body.
Believers need a balanced diet of the Word in
order to live the full and abundant life which
Christ offers. In fact, a new and exciting world
awaits the believer that reads and studies the
Bible everyday. Jesus put it this way: "If
you abide in my teachings then you are my
disciples indeed, and you shall know the truth
and the truth shall set you free" (John
8:31-32). There are many ways to get God's Word
in your life. For example, you can sing it, you
can study it in groups, you can listen to it
preached. The best way, however, may be by
reading it yourself.
- Pastor
Williams offers a Bible reading designed to carry
you through the Bible in only one year. In addition, the
following links will help you in learn how to
live in the Word.
- Bible Study Tools - this site gives you all
the tools you need to study God's Word more
effectively with a wide range of Bible
translations, commentary resources, word study
tools and much more.
- Devotionals - These great devotionals
offered by Media Management, some true classics of the
faith, are great ways to grow in the Word.
Subscribers receive devotions daily via e-mail.
- LifeWay Christian Resources - Get everything
you need to reach the unsaved, teach the saved
and make the strenuous work of ministry less
- Spirit-led Bible Study will help you and your
group better understand and apply the special
message God has for you.

with Believers . . . One of the most
important aspects of living a full and abundant
life lies in believers spending time with one
another. The Bible calls this fellowship -- what
one Southern Baptist leader calls "family
ship." The church is not brick and mortar.
The church is believers united together under the
bond and banner of Christ-like love. Jesus said
Himself: "A new commandment I give unto
you, to love one another. By this will all men
know that you are my disciples, that you have
love one for another" (John 13:34-35).
The love for which Christ modeled for believers
is a love which supports, encourages, and edifies
one another through the struggles of life. We do
this in the frequent and recurring fellowship one
with another.
- Despite our frequent
contact with one another via e-mail, Journey
Through the Bible can not replace the Christ-yielding
fellowship one enjoys as a participating members
of a Bible-teaching church.
- Pastor Williams will happily help you discover
churches in your area no matter where you live.
Remember, nothing replaces fellowship and worship
with like-minded Christian believers; it's
essential for healthy, well-balanced spiritual

(aka 'Personal Evangelism') . . . Healthy plants
produce healthy fruit. The loving union of
healthy men and women naturally results in
healthy babies. And in the same way, healthy,
growing Christians are expected to produce other
Christians. The same could well be said of
churches. The key, however, is learning to share
your faith naturally. Jesus gives believers
something to talk about. Consider this, if you
are abiding in Christ, praying daily, reading and
studying your Bible regularly, maintaining close
fellowship with believers, and serving the needs
of the less fortunate, you will have no problem
what so ever sharing your faith. Your message
will spring forth from the overflow of your
growing life of faith. And the rewards are
everlasting. Jesus notes: "By this is my
father glorified, that you bear much fruit"
(John 15:8).
- The following links
will help you in learn how to share your faith.
- Billy Graham Evangelistic
- Read "Steps to Peace with God" or
DECISION magazine online and more.
- Campus Crusade for Christ - Discover the "Four
Spiritual Laws," and other great resources
to help you win your world for Christ.
- LifeWay Christian Resources - Get everything
you need to reach the unsaved and much more,
including FAITH training clinics.
- Live the Life features virtually
everything you need to educate students in
evangelism, from video to artwork, using fresh,
visually exciting, and "real" work.
- Studentz is a fun, interactive means of
educating youth on evangelism, volunteer
opportunities, mission education and more. Your
youth will love it!
- The Good News encourages both believers
and unbelievers with testimonials on-line
booklets and more.
- kidzPlace - You'll love this site
for it's wonderfully interactive way of
presenting the Gospel and other great stuff.
Warning: The connection is slow but it's time
WELL spent.

Service (or Ministry Evangelism) . . . Along the horizontal
cross bar of the disciples cross lies a very
important discipline of the Christian faith --
ministry service or ministry evangelism. Jesus
not only preached the Word, He ministered to the
needs and hurts of those He came in contact with.
His model is the only model for those who desire
Christ fill our lives with His incomparable love
and grace. Our efforts, when combined with those
of like minded faith, CAN make a difference in
meeting the needs of the less fortunate. And when
we do, we share the love of Jesus Christ
firsthand. Remember, "Greater love has
no one than this, that a man would lay down his
life for a friend." Jesus then adds: "You
are my friend when you obey my command"
(John 15:13-14).
- The following links
will help you in learn how to serve others in the
name of Jesus Christ.
- International Missions Board this newly revised site
offers online information on how to serve God's
kingdom all around the world, missionary
bio/contact information, and much more!
- North American Missions Board offers ministry
opportunities throughout the United States and
Canada. Here too, volunteers are much needed. Youth
and adults!
- OnMission magazine is the official
publication of the North American Missions Board
featuring celebrated authors such as Henry
Blackaby, Bob Record, and Phil Roberts.
- Samaritan's Purse - Headed by Franklin
Graham, this international relief organization
meets the timely, critical needs of people all
over the world.
- SBC LIFE - This SBC's Executive
Committee magazine for pastors and ministers is
now available online. Get the latest information
or search back issues for issues directly related
to the work of ministry.
- Studentz is a fun, interactive means of
educating youth on evangelism, volunteer
opportunities, mission education and more. Your
youth will love it!
- the COMMISSION magazine is published by
the International Missions Board and features an
array of options for believers (youth and adults)
to serve overseas for four months or less to
full-time. Note: See

Sites of Interest!
