Hi,and welcome. This is my house, which was a class project for Virtual University
in here you find different rooms, depending on what you are looking for. Think of this page as the main hall.
On your right there are two doors, the Parlour, where you can find out all my personal bytes,
and the Playroom, my personal favorites page, favorites sites and favorites things in life.

On the left, you see two more doors, these being marked as Office, my senior caregiver resource page.
A page dedicated to Caregivers everywhere,a place to find resources to help you on this most difficult path.
and my Hobby Nook, the one room I relax in, where you can see some of my hobbies.

White Tiger totem

The adoption certificate.

[A Candle For Missy!!!]
  {{{{{{{@{{{{{{{{*A candle for Missy.*}}}}}}}}@}}}}}}}

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Parlour Personal Info Playroom The customary Links page Office Elder Caregiver Resource Page HobbyNook My Place for Poetry and Art

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