Genealogy Gumbo
Hello y'all. Welcome to my new venture. Hopefully, this site will help you find your roots; if it doesn't I hope it will at least be interesting. Since I am many miles away from my hometown and state, I want to help others feel at home. This site will have many features(I hope) and some features that other sites do not have; thus the GUMBO. This site began, without my knowledge, before we had a computer--in the corner of my livingroom that became known as my Dockery-Rice corner. The site grew to great lengths (still before computer; the internet came several years later) when my sister sent me my genealogy and family tree on one branch back to the 1700's.
A St. John The Baptist Parish ( Louisiania) GUMBO page.
A Louisiana Page:CEMETERIES
A New Orleans, Louisiana page:OBITS
A Tuscaloosa, AL page
An 1800's GUMBO page "Living Age" info.
A 1947's GUMBO page
Little Lin's Homepage:my personal website