Do you know of a web site that would be of interest to other Gossett researchers? Send me the URL and a brief description of the site and I'll post it here!

Kim's Family Tree at
This is my Family Tree Maker web site. It includes information about everyone in my tree, not just the Gossetts. I have much more information than what is included at this site. So if you see someone from your family tree, contact me and I will share what I have.

Keesler Family Site
The KEESLER FAMILY SITE includes valuable information about the Morgan family of West Virginia and their descendants. Mary Gossett married Morgan Morgan on November 17, 1761. She was a great aunt to Milton Gossett and the daughter of John Gossett. More information about this family can also be found in Newcomer's book "Family of Gossett" included at this site. Click here to jump to that page.

Selena's Genealogy Roundup at (Corrected address on August 2, 1999)
From Kay (Goswick) Kennemore: I found a very interesting website that I thought you would be interested in viewing since ther is a will of Henry Mayse in it and he mentions his daughter "Elizabeth GOUSET" This site is: Selena's Genealogy Roundup at Selena has listed many wills of her different ancestors which are most interesting and many of those ancestors came from Baltimore Co.Md.. I have corresponded with Selena and have her permission to link to her website. I think may of the GOSSETTS will enjoy the old wills. Also want to let you know that I am finding and hearing from more GOSET families that descend from our Nathan GOSWICK/GOSET/GOSSETT OF S.C. I enjoy you website each time I visit. Keep up the good work. Kay

Gossett/Gosset Genealogy Home Page at
This site contains a wealth of information about several different Gossett families. The site is divided up into sections about military service, family lines, queries and state-specific interests, just to name few. Information is included about Gossetts both in America and in Europe. Frank Gossett, who maintains this site, also has a page that tries to distinguish between the various "John" Gossetts in early America, an important tool for anyone trying to make sense of all the Johns.

Ancestors of Naomi Pettyjohn (Milton's second wife) at
This user home page at the Family Tree Maker site contains the descendants of James Pettyjohn. Naomi's parents have been named as James Pettyjohn and Frances Wisby. According to information at this site she is actually their granddaughter, her parents being Deborah Pettyjohn (daughter of James and Frances) and John Hirons. The lineage is as follows: Deborah Pettyjohn, James, John, John, John, James Pettyjohn. Note: I have tried several times to link directly to Jo's homepage at Family Tree Maker, but have been unsuccessful. To access this page go to, select "community", then select "User Home Pages", then scroll through the index to Jo A. Simmons. I'm sorry you need to take the long way around! :-(

Gostwick/Goswick/Goset & Gossett Families listed at (New address as of January 11, 2000)
This site is maintained by Kay (Goswick) Kennemore and contains information about the Gostwick/Goswick families. Some information about Gossetts are included as well. Since the spelling of names changed greatly over the years, this site is worth checking out—especially if you have come to a dead end and can't seem to connect to a "Gossett" line. 

Gassett Census records
at (August 27, 2000: Address is no longer valid. Can anyone help with a new one?)
Rhonda Hawkins' census records are included at this site for the Gassett family. Gassett may or may not an alternate spelling for Gossett. She writes, "Please not, we are finding some of the GASSET(T) names are really GOSSET(T) people. And Vise versa."

ROOTS-L Resources: Genealogical Terms and Definitions at
What is an ahnentafel? A Tiny Tafel? What was that funny disease Grandpa died from? What do people mean when they say 2nd cousin twice removed? Here are some files that define terms used by genealogists. This address takes you to the main page and to the information as listed below.

Soundex This file tells you how to compute a soundex (if your Web browser supports forms, you can also have it done for you), but doesn't tell you why you would want this done. Not to worry, you'll find out quickly enough :-)
Ahnentafel What is a Tiny Tafel? An ahnentafel?
IGI What is the International Genealogical Index (IGI) and how is it used?
Face of Genealogy Changing the Face of Genealogy, 1989, Richard Pence. An overview, still timely, of how computers have changed how we do genealogy. Includes explanations of tiny tafels and BBSes and other computer-related terms.
Cousins1 Chart showing relationship between cousins.
Disease1 Old disease names and their modern definitions, with discussion. Part I covers A-L, from Acute Mania to Lung Sickness. Part II covers M-Z, from Marfan's Syndrome to Venesection.
Quaker Abbreviations and terms used in Quaker research. 
Abbrevs A list of abbreviations used in genealogy.