Welcome to the Descendants of Milton Gossett genealogy home page. This site was established to gather and disseminate information about one of John Gossett's younger and lesser known sons and his descendants. I invite your contributions to this web site in fact, I need your help in making this site a success. I am not only looking for vital statistics, but stories and photographs that paint a picture of each individual.
Why choose Milton as the starting point for this descendants page? There is a lot of information about Milton's ancestors available today. Two books, Family of Gossett, by Evangeline Gossett Newcomer, and Chronicles of the Gossett Family, by Grace M. Jerkins, give detailed accounts of the Gossetts in early America and in France. Family of Gossett is available at this site. Just click the Family of Gossett book shown below. Both books are available through the interlibrary loan program but be prepared to wait awhile.
Be sure to visit http://members.surfsouth.com/~fgossett/index.htm, the Gossett/Gosset Genealogy Home Page. This website covers most of the early Gossett families in America. If you have or know of another site that would be of interest to other Gossett researchers, e-mail me the URL, along with a brief description of the site, and I'll add it to the links page.
I hope you find some useful information at this site. Should you find a broken link or experience a technical problem, please e-mail me at KimberlyKHughes@yahoo.com with a description of the problem. If you find a mistake in any information found here, please, please, please notify me of the error along with the correct information so I can make the change. Enjoy the site!
You are visitor number since February 1, 1999
Click on any of the books below to move to that page.
For more information on that page see below.
In the News is information that has appeared in the newspaper. Information includes obituaries, announcements and newspaper articles of general interest about the Gossetts.
Biography is a written tribute to the individual. Look here for information about the individual's family group, including spouse(s) and children. New information added February 24, 1999: Milton's Son John: Was He My John L? by Joe Baker.
Ancestors includes information about Milton Gossetts ancestors. It includes source notes and corrections to previously published material relevant to his ancestors.
Military History is information about military service as it pertains to Milton Gossett's descendants. New information added March 1, 1999: John L. Gossett's Civil War discharge papers. New information added March 1, 1999: Charles D. Engle.
Census includes federal census records for descendants of Milton Gossett.
Family of Gossett is the complete book written by Evangeline Gossett Newcomer. Some corrections have been made to this volume, but are noted within the text. New information added January 10, 2000, a correction to William Marion Gossett's name, son of Joseph Ambrose and Sophia Chaney Gossett, in Section 2, Chapter 6.
Guest Book. I'd love to hear from you. Send me your comments and suggestions! New guest added April 25, 1999
Photos includes photographs of important people and events. Do you need help identifying a photo? Place it here and ask for help identifying it!
Courthouse is the place to find records of births, deaths and marriages. Other court records may be found here, also.
Queries. Let other Gossett researchers know what information you are seeking. Someone somewhere may have the answer. New query about Robert Newton Gossett added on July 26, 1999.
Links. Look here for links to other sites that may be of interest to other Gossett researchers. If you want to add your link or know of a good one, send me the URL and a brief description of the site. Update to Kay Goswick Kennemore's site on January 11, 2000
I welcome any and all submissions of information related to Milton Gossett and his family. I ask only that you follow a few simple guidelines.
1. Please obey copyright laws. When submitting newspaper articles include the newspaper's name, date and page number, as well as author's name if known. When information is from a published source; e.g., book, periodical, web site, etc., please note proper credit.
2. When citing government records, include as much information about the source as possible; i.e., book number, page number and location of original. When submitting census records include, at a minimum, the year, state, county and township or city. Census submissions that do not include this information cannot be included. It is helpful if you include the page number as well as the dwelling and family numbers included at the beginning of each family group, but this is not required.
3. When submitting photographs, include as much information about the photo as possible. Identify any individuals and include a date or approximate date, if known. If you do not know who is in the photo please let us know. Maybe someone can help you identify them. Photos can be e-mailed to me. Please do not submit photos of living persons!
4. Please check, double double and triple check your spelling and dates. Avoid abbreviating words or using acronyms. While the meaning may be obvious to most, it may not be to others and may cause some confusion. Dates should be submitted with the month spelled out. Remember, the abbreviation for the month of March (Mar.) is just one letter away from spelling May. And is 1-6-49 Jan 9th or Jun 1st and is the year 1949, 1849, 1749, etc.?
5. Please do not submit any information about persons still living. Privacy is of utmost importance and any information about them will not be published.
It is not my intent to violate any copyright laws. Should you find a violation in this site, please advise me on the proper course of action. Information included in this web site is copyright protected and may not be downloaded, copied, sold or published by anyone without the expressed permission of the copyright holder. Private individuals may download information for their own non-profit, non-commercial use. When in doubt, ask. I am happy to provide permission, when appropriate, or point you in the right direction to get permission.
Most graphics (including buttons, banners and illustrations) were created specifically for this site and may not be downloaded, copied, sold or published without permission from the artist (that's me!). :-)
This web site was designed and created by me, Kim Hughes, a great great great granddaughter of Milton Gossett. If your have questions concerning this site e-mail me at KimberlyKHughes@yahoo.com.