These are some of my friend's (and family's) Home Pages.
Yes I did grab a graphic from your pages hehe.
I Love ya all, and thanks for letting me put your pages here.
My Treasure Box
I hold in my hands
a box of gold.
With a secret inside,
that no one else knows.
The box is priceless,
but it's easy to see,
The treasure inside
Is far more precious to me.
Today I share
This treasure with thee,
It is the treasure of friendship,
You've given to me.
Author Unknown
This is Queenie's page.  She was my Northern buddy but moved away on me (sob) I miss you Char!!
Freda's Fun Page....Don't know what I would have done without my Freda. She has taught me alot on here - and has helped me so much.  Gotta find a way to get you back to Sudbury!!! Hugs
Kd_Kid - just loves those froggies - sorry Kd Unicorns rule!!! LOL
Sweetbabybrat - and all her pals - here you will find pictures of Yahoo chat friends. I have not been there for so long - miss you all very much
Baycolours Niche on the Web.  A wonderful new site you have to check out.
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