Teen CouncilAny Girl Scout in 6th grade or above may attend Teen Council meetings. Topics being discussed include: a) Europe in 2001 - Open to girls in 7th, 8th or 9th grade. b) Jamboree in London, Ontario from August 6-16
Advisers - Teri Eriksen and Mary Eader Notes from Teen Council Meeting on February 25 Next meeting: March 11 at Karen Hogan's Information was distributed regarding the Cadette Bridging Event, Contact Teri for more information. Notes from Teen Council Meeting on January 28Talked about Wider Opportunities, the types available and where you can go. Two International Wider Opportunities are being offered by Council 10 girls from our council will go to the Rocky Mountains in Canada A trip to Bermuda is also being offered. Teri has all of the details. See Teri for more information regarding the Europe trip Bridging Activity is tentatively scheduled for the weekend of May 14 Mohican is closed until April so definite plans cant be made right now Discussed having a self-defense program at Mifflin Presyb. Church Date to be decided later. For more detailed information, contact Teri Eriksen or Mary Eader.