gslogc2.gif (16130 bytes)Rocky Fork Service Unit

 rockyfrk3a.bmp (188054 bytes) 

Serving Gahanna and New Albany, Ohio


The Rocky Fork Service Unit has over 1,000 registered girls and adults. There are 228 adults helping girls as leaders to guide them along with their Try-It’s, Badges, and Interest Patches. There are 841 girls divided into these categories:

                    Daisies-48 girls

                    Brownies-412 girls

                    Juniors-292 girls

                    Cadettes-68 girls

                    Seniors-21 girls

We are pleased to have 83 troops in our Service Unit:

                    Daisies-6 troops

                    Brownies-35 troops

                    Juniors-27 troops

                    Cadettes-10 troops

                    Seniors-5 troops

                                  daisy.gif (295 bytes) Service Team                browine2.gif (287 bytes) Service Unit Agenda             browine.gif (319 bytes) Teen Council         

                                            junior2.gif (274 bytes) Links and Leader Resources             junior.gif (278 bytes) Going on an Overnight?    

                                daisy.gif (295 bytes) SU Service Projects    cadette.gif (278 bytes) Service Unit Library             browine.gif (319 bytes) Calendar of Events

                                                       CD-SR12.gif (296 bytes) Gahanna, Ohio             CD-SR05.gif (269 bytes) New Albany, Ohio

  For comments or questions the webmistress can be contacted at

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