New Year- Spiritual, numerical, and financial growth for RRBC
Robin's father-in-love who was rushed to the hospital.
Audrey's Neighbor, Millie L. - severe arthritis.
Pastor Lew - Unspoken request.
Susan- Robin T's sister who had knee surgery.
Al D.- Continued grace as he battles cancer.
For our servicemen and servicewomen all around the globe, and particularly those in Iraq.
For the safe return of our troops and our allies.
For the families and friends of those killed in military action.
For the salvation of the Iraqi people.
For the families of the September 11th Victims, whose memories of that terrible day are still fresh in their minds.
Robin T.'s friend, Terri, whose is suffering with ovarian cancer.
Please pray for hope and grace to be bestowed upon her and her family in great abundance during this time.
Bill P.- undergoing radiation/chemo for inoperatable lung cancer.
W. Undergoing chemotherapy
T and Marisol D. for conception.
M.,who has been diagnosed with Lupus.
Trixie,who has a disc problem in her back.
Blanche as she mourns the death of Henry.
For all of ourSunday School Youth.
For our t.v. ministry
For our Community Outreach(passing out church information door-to-door).
For Bob O. his health concerns.
For the spiritual growth of our Church.
For our evangelistic outreach.
For our Sunday School children.
For our Missionaries.
Henry H. - went home to Heaven.
Tom P. - Went home to Heaven.
Ruth H. - Went home to Heaven.
Michelle C.- grandmother went home to heaven
Robin T.- borderline diabetes is under control
Robin T.- cousin Patti has recovered from mastectomy
Rose S.- for God's sustaining grace after her husband's death
Virginia G.- good test results
Praise that Bill G. doesn't have cancer
Praise Kathy P.'s return to church
Audrey L.'s Sister's successful operation.
Unspoken Requests
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