The Song You Will Shortly Hear is We Love you, Lord
Television Ministry - We have a television program on Comcast of NJ, Channel 26,
called Look To The Lord. It airs each Sunday at 5:30 A.M. Check it out!
Jesus Saves Evangelistic Outreach - The distribution of
the evangelistic booklet, "Jesus Saves," to residents who
live in the surrounding towns.
Missions Outreach - 14 missionaries and/or missions are
financially supported by the church. They are:New Tribes Missions;
The Evangelical Alliance Mission; Wycliffe Bible Translation;
The U.S. Center for World Missions; Central American Missions;
Goodwill Home & Rescue Mission; The Baptist Home of Newark;
Hebrew Christian Fellowship; The Mid-Atlantic Conservative
Baptist Association; The Conservative Baptist Association
(National Organization); Seminary of the East; Mission to the
Americas; Association of Baptists for World Missions;
Conservative Baptist International.
"Praise Team" Singers - Lead the congregation in
the singing of Worship Choruses during the Sunday Worship Service.
Nursery Ministry - Weekly care for babies during the
Sunday Worship Service is provided by the ladies of the church.
"Children's Church" Ministry - Provided for young
children during the Sunday Worship Service. Children leave the
Worship Service just prior to the Morning Message.
The children enjoy Bible learning through the ministries of
videotape, singing, and crafts.
Special Music Ministry - Individuals are encouraged
to prepare special pieces for presentation during the
Sunday Worship Service.