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08/01/00 03:22:20
Name: Dawn Tappan
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Just curious. I'm by my name you can see why. You have a betiful family. Have a great day. :)

09/10/99 22:49:26
Name: Jim & Sharon
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Looks good, "You still got the touch" And getting better each and every time. Now it's time to add a page of your friends...Keep up the good work.JIM

09/10/99 22:48:37
Name: Jim & Sharon
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Looks good, "You still got the touch" And getting better each and every time. Now it's time to add a page of your friends...Your Friends Jim & Sharon

08/28/99 15:41:55
Name: Lisa Kunze
My Email: Email Me

Nice work Willie! I can see you all are having fun!

07/15/99 00:34:54
Name: Kimmy
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Hey Bill !!! Great job! Pretty slick... I still don't have mine uploaded yet, but, I will let you know when I do. Kimmy

07/02/99 03:09:18
Name: Jack Shanahan
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Nice job. I like the beer picture.

07/01/99 17:45:12
Name: Jim (the Artist)
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Well buddy I guess I gotta give credit where credit is do! Things are really looking up, you must be doing your homework. Keep up the good work. Your Friend JIM...

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