September 1,1999
Loosy The Goose Retires
Visit Loosy as she disappears against the ocean waves. http:a955175.html
September 2,1999
New Stories regarding New Beanies for the new Millenium are circulating on line. It is being said that Ty has registerd a new Line for the new Millenium! It is being said that they will have new names,new tags and be made from new material!!
I guess only time will tell!!!!!!!!!
September 3, 1999
Have you ever bought a beanie baby from E-Bay or from a collectors
show? Well read this article at E-Bay to help ease your thougts!!!!
September 4, 1999
Ty's News Flash has had a major impact on the sales of Beanies.
The News has resparked the interst of Beanies throughout the world.
Look to see the impact on internet stores and Beanie Auctions.
September 5, 1999
Blue Faced Spangle? There have been rumors that a blue faced Spangle has been spotted. If this is true it will be the third kind of Spangle. There is currently a pink faced and white faced.
September 6, 1999
As the world waits with the anticipation of the new beanies Mary Beths BeanBag world has an article with a description of each one except Maple. This story is worth a look!!!!!!