Genealogist For Hire

Jersey, Greene and Calhoun Counties

in Illinois Only

I will research your genealogical quests for the following:

$25.00 in advance.

This entitles you to two (2) hours of researching and all copies and postage.

At the end of this two hours I will send you the gathered material and then, if you decide to ask for more research, send another $25.00 for another two hours of research.

You tell me where to look!


I will also take pictures of your request grave sites.

The cost is $5.00 travel expense and $5.00 for two (2) grave site pictures of the same site.

Again! In advance, and this is only for Jersey County and MARKED GRAVE SITES.

Abandon Cemetries are $10.00

Make all checks payable to:

Marty Crull

and mail to:

Marty Crull

RR 1 Box 9

Carrollton, IL 62016

This page was last updated 7 February 2002

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