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So glad you stopped by for a visit, pour yourself some coffee and relax for a bit!


Dino and I have been married for eight wonderful years and we have 3 boys.  We met while playing on the same Co-ed Volleyball team and became friends.  The rest is history!  We wanted to make a place where friends and family could keep up with our news and an area that could help other families who are beginning their search for answers about ADHD. We've gathered some great info and links, be sure to browse thru them.  

  Raymond is 7 years old.  He is a fullback on his soccer team and loves to run, a great sport for him!  He is busy in the first grade and loves to learn.  Raymond is also ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) and a gifted student.  As you can imagine we are very proud of him and let him know it every time we can catch him!

    Alex is 3 years old.  He's a wonderful, caring and high spirited toddler.  His favorite thing in the whole world is his stuffed Bunny.  This poor animal has lost his ear and then had it repaired many times and worn countless meals on his less than white fur. Bunny is also the most loved and cherished treasure that Alex has. Its pure torture trying to sneak him out at bedtime to give him his bath too.

 And of course, we now have Nicholas who is 8 months old.  He has Congenital Muscular Torticollis and he's the shining light in our house.  He just smiles and coos and you can't help but want to cuddle him all the time.  I'm enjoying the fact that when I put him somewhere he actually stays there! His brother Alex made sure to tell everyone we saw that Mommy swallowed a baby...quite a reaction we received from that one!

  Dino is employed at a major delivery company.  He's a body builder and a sports nut.  If it has a ball then he's on that team.  Currently he's on a Flag Football league, a softball team or two, and a co-ed and men's league volleyball team.   He's also the most caring and loving father and husband... guess we'll keep him.  

My name is Vicki and I'm a stay-at-home mom. Just trying to keep up with the rest of them keeps me pretty busy.  I volunteer in the reading program at Ray's school.  I love to do different craft projects, cross-stitch and as if I don't have enough challenge in my daily life I'm trying my hand at quilting.  I love antiques and reading is my favorite passion too. To find out more about me and my life, visit my room.


We were stunned last September when we discovered that Raymond had a learning disability. We have always watched him closely academically and he seemed to excel in all he tried. He just seemed to be overly active all the time and having no one to gauge him against we just thought all little boys were like this.   After further testing and medical opinions it was determined that Raymond is ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) and a very gifted student.  We were puzzled, lost, confused and disappointed. How could this be possible?  Where did this come from and how did he get it?  The questions were and are endless for us.  The depression and grief that we felt for our son was at first overwhelming.  The lack of information was appalling.  It was a large obstacle that Ray needed to overcome and we needed to find out how to help him.

It's a difficult thing to accept that one of your children has a problem and its somehow made harder when you realize that either one of his parents could have brought this disorder to the table.  It was easy not to blame out loud, but in your mind you are always wondering which one of you did it.  Not a good area to get preoccupied with and one that won't give you positive results. We decided not to dwell there but to research our options and discover the keys for Ray's success.  Its a long, difficult and emotional road but its the one we're on and we wouldn't pick another one to travel.

We are the luckiest of parents to have Ray.  We know God gave him to us because he knew we could help him and love him despite this difficulty.  He's warm, sympathetic, loving, bright, funny and the list goes on.  He's also unable to control his actions and impulses.  It is difficult for him to maintain his attention level to just one particular thing.  For Ray its as if he is a radio and he's tuning in to all the stations at once.  Everything that is going on in the room around you now happens all the time for him and at the same time.  He can't just pick up one noise at a time, he hears them all at the same time.  Then of course, there is the fact that the tag on his shirt is bugging him, his shoe hurts his left foot, why can't he get the crayon to stay in the lines, he can't wait to go to his friends house this weekend, the fly that landed on his desk is really big, wow, what's it like to be a fly and he hopes his Mom is cooking something he actually likes for dinner. All of these things and more are happening in his head AT THE SAME TIME and we wonder why he can't pay attention when we ask him to hang his coat up.  This we have just learned, is called Flooding .

His world is something that is hard for us who aren't ADD/ADHD to understand.  It drives us to be better parents and to help him find the ammunition he needs to fight his battle. Most people who don't understand this disorder would look at Ray and see a child who can't sit still, who doesn't think before he acts.  It would be very easy to label these kids as "lazy" and to write them off as troubled or problem kids.  That is probably the biggest mistake and disservice we could do.  I don't consider him to have a learning disability, I believe he's got a step up in life.  Whether he chooses to use it is up to him.  There are many great people in the world with ADD/ADHD and other learning disabilities.  Please remember to look at the person and not get stuck on the label.



Emily Dickinson, Thomas Edison, Henry Ford, Bill Gates, John F. Kennedy, Joan Rivers, Pete Rose, George Bernard Shaw, Robin Williams.

Drop us a line, we'd love to hear from you!

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