Patty Grovenberry Wolfe - 05/21/00 21:31:09 My Email:wwolfe@aol.com3831 | Comments: It looks like there have been some updates since I've looked at this site last. I am having a little trouble getting around the web page. It keeps telling me that an error has occurred in the script but it does allow me to continue. I know that William P. Grovenberry is my great grandfather but when I go to him on the web page it does not give me an option to click on him. How does this get updated? |
Geraldine Scott Drew - 01/19/00 20:12:35 My | Comments: My Great-Grandfather was David Redfield Scott, brother of Napolean Bonaparte Scott. My sister Phyllis Scott Poole gave me your address! |
- 09/30/99 01:34:41 | Comments: |
Chuck Townsend - 09/25/99 02:35:46 My | Comments: Very nice webpage Betsy. Sure wish that you had made it to the family reunion for the Grovenburg's, that held back in Montezuma, Iowa. We had a ball talk to all the families that we met there. Look good. Keep up the good work. Chuck and Edna Townsend. |
Ruth Christian - 09/22/99 22:37:52 My | Comments: Neat! |
Gerald G. Simpson - 09/18/99 17:24:41 My | Comments: I am glad I stumbled onto this web site. I am an neophyte at geneaolgy reasearch, but this seems to be very well laid out. I am GG Grandson of Lucy M Grovenburg and George Simpson. |
Glenna Conley - 09/11/99 23:22:33 My | Comments: Would like to know how to add more information to the family of Frank Crane and Doris Yvonne Deane. |
Peggy Countryman, Petersen - 06/17/99 18:52:04 My | Comments: With Don O'Neal's help, I'm just becoming familiar with the research of the Countryman family...I am the daughter of Luke Countryman, Clara Scott Countryman's son.... |
Jeanette Crane - 05/24/99 18:10:44 My | Comments: Betsy - You've done a great job and I know it requires lots of work. A big "THANKS" to you, as well as all the contributors. Fred and Jeanette Crane. |
Lillian Loyd - 05/15/99 04:21:20 My | Comments: Thanks for everyone's input...great web page. |
Elizabeth Taylor Hunsaker - 05/14/99 15:20:29 My | Comments: Betsy, This is wonderful. Thanks for putting it together. It must have taken you a lot of time. I'm still exploring all that you have here. Thanks again. Elizabeth |
Shirley Lillie - 05/10/99 19:43:19 My | Comments: Betsey, This page is ABSOLUTELY WONDERFUL! I can't say enough good things aobut it. Shirley Lillie Descend from George Grovenburg |
m. p rolofson - 05/03/99 03:27:08 My Email:DzRolo@msn.c0m | Comments: |
- 04/10/99 00:30:00 | Comments: |
Dean Crandell - 03/10/99 16:32:21 My | Comments: |
Hadewych - 03/10/99 13:18:57 | Comments: Hi! Just popping in for a quick glance around. I'll come back for a thorough look-see later. Promised! |
Dean Crandell - 03/08/99 19:14:17 My | Comments: Won't be back to this location until about March 21, 1999 but would like to hear from you. |
Kim Hoffman - 02/23/99 12:46:47 My | Comments: Looking for a Theodore Hoffman. |
Jack E. Smith - 02/23/99 00:01:30 My | Comments: looks great! |
Lillian Taylor Loyd - 02/11/99 00:08:37 My | Comments: Thanks for all the hard work...keep me posted. I will include what I have at a later date. This site is terrific!! |
Vicki Steen - 02/08/99 16:25:39 My | Comments: Thanks for posting this interesting information. You did a nice job on your research and your pages came up very well done. |
Linda Smith - 02/07/99 01:05:23 My | Comments: Hi Betsy, It's looking very good. Love the home page--very feminine. Someday I'll get brave--still have a lot of cleanup to do on mine, but you've inspired me. Linda |