The list of dead in the Massacre of 1622
According to "The Records of the Virginia Company of London"
Pages 565-571 Volume III …1933 US Government printing office
22 March Last, to the end that their lawful heirs (heyres in original text) may take
speedy order for the inheriting of their lands and estates there: For which the
Honorable Company of Virginia are ready doe them all rights and favor.
At Captain Berckley's Plantation seated at the Falling Creek, some 66 miles from
James Citty Co, Virginia.
John Berkley, esq Robert Horner Mason
Thomas Brasington Philip Barnes
John Sawyer William Swandal
Roger David Robert Williams, wife & child
Francis Gowsh Giles Bradshawe, wife & child
Bartholomew Peram John Howlet, and son
Giles Peram Thomas Wood, and Collin's his man
John Dowler Joseph Fitch Apothecary to Dr Pots
Laurence Dowler
Lewis Williams
Richard Boscough
Thomas Holland
John Hunt
At Master Thomas Sheffields Plantation, some 3 miles from the
Falling Creek.
Master Thomas Sheffield Mathew_____
& Rachael his wife Judeth Howard
John Reeve Thomas Poole
William Tyler, a boy Methusalem_____
Samuel Reeve Thomas Taylor
John Ellen William Tyler
Robert Tyler, a boy
At Henrico Iland, about 2 miles from Sheffield's Plantation.
____Adkins William Perigo
____Weston Owen Jones, one of Capt
Philip Shatford Berkley's people.
Slain of Colledge People, 2 miles from Henrico Citie
Samuel Stringer Thomas Cooke
George Soldan John Clements
William Basset James Faulkoner
John Perry Christopher Henley
Edward Ember William Jordan
Jarret Moore Robert Davis
Thomas Xerles Thomas Hobson
Thomas Freeman William Baily
John Allen
At Apo-mattucke River at Master Abraham Pierce,
His Plantation 5 miles from the Colledge People
William Charte John Baker, a boy
John Waterhouse Robert Yeoman
At charles Citie, about the precincts of
Capt. Smith's Company
Roger Royal Edward Heydon
Thomas Jones Henry Bushel
Robert Maurel
At Plantations adjoining
Richard Prat, & brother Richard, a boy
Henry Milward, wife, Goodwife Redhead
Child, and sister
At Mr. William Farrar's House
Master John England, Thomas, his man
and his man
John Bel James Woodshaw
Henricke Peterson, Alice Mary, a servant
His wife, William, his Elizabeth, a servant
At Berkley-Hundred, 5 miles from Charles Citie
Capt George Thrope, Esq Giles Bradway
John Rowles Richard Fereby
Richard Rowles, wife Thomas Thrope
And child Robert Jordan
Giles Wilkins Edward Painter
At Westover, 1 mile from Berkley-Hundred
James English Richard Dash
At Master John West's Plantation
Christopher Turner David Owen
At Capt Nathaniel West's
Michael Aleworth John Wright
At Lt. Gib's his Dividend
John Paly Richard Waineham
Thomas Ratcliffe Benomy Reyman
Michael Booker Thomas Gay
John Higglet James Vpfall
Nathaniel Earle Daniel _____Mr Dombelowes
John Gibbes man
Willaim Parker
At Mr. Richard Owens house
Richard Owens One old maide called
Stephen Dubo Margaret
Francis, an Irishman William Reeve
Thomas Paine
Abstracted and compiled by Linda Chandler © 1999
Do NOT copy without my copyright intact
Do NOT include in any material for sell any information hereinto.
~**~List Continued~**~
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