- 12/17/00 19:33:15 | Comments: |
RuthPatrick - 07/31/00 15:32:10 My Email:redding-canvas@excite.com favorite Genealogy program: Familytreemaker | Comments: Thanks Linda for all the info on Chandlers |
Ralph Garner - 07/07/00 00:51:47 My Email:ralph23@sprynet.com | Comments: Beautiful |
Robert C. Umberger - 06/23/00 03:45:18 My Email:kku@vcn.com | Comments: Youve got a great page,as my ansestors are the heinrich side,hello cousin! |
Jean Larson - 04/21/00 23:45:26 My Email:NORMAGEN@aol.com | Comments: Thank you have found two jewels on your site. Jean |
Lisa Blasch - 04/21/00 08:34:11 My URL:http://www.pond.net/~blaschl My Email:lblasch@darkwing.uoregon.edu | Comments: Thanks for posting your geneology. I know very little about the history of Blaschs both here and in Europe, and so i was quite pleased to see what you have managed to trace out. We are distant relatives. I am the daughter of Carl Wayne Blasch, son of Frederick Blasch, son of John and Ethel Blasch. Once again, thanks for your effort, I am glad to see some record of great aunts and uncles of whom i have never heard. Lisa Blasch |
Levilla - 03/19/00 11:36:56 My Email:Larry@Aol.com favorite Genealogy pages: A Rossiter History | Comments: |
Levilla Rossiter - 03/17/00 11:26:38 | Comments: |
Lowell Keith Paul - 03/06/00 23:13:23 My Email:lowpressure@cheerful.comMy 2nd great grandmother | Comments: My 2nd great grandmother is Elizabeth Abitha Emeline Chandler1822-1898 who married Wm. Willis Bobo.1811-1863 |
Mary Anne - 01/19/00 07:55:42 | Comments: Oh Wow! Sure a nice looking site.... very very nice! I shall be back. |
Ray Marvel - 11/29/99 03:59:47 My Email:marville@dmea.net favorite Genealogy pages: All favorite Genealogy program: FTM | Comments: Nice site!! First time to visit, will return. Have info for Rossiters if you would like to have. Ray Marvel |
The Bartholomew's - 11/26/99 18:46:08 My Email:JBartho423@aol.com | Comments: Hi Linda, Just had a nice chat with your Mom. Sorry to hear Dad is not doing well. Wanda |
john blundell - 11/01/99 07:23:12 My Email:jblundell@iea.org.uk | Comments: My office is right next to St Margarets Church in Westminster if you need anyone to go check anything. |
Chris Mitchell - 10/14/99 03:02:36 My URL:/heartland/hollow/5532 My Email:cm@apex.net | Comments: My Grandmother was Modest Blackwood Wilson, sister to Ruby Chandler. Thought I would say "Hi!" |
Joyce Wommack - 10/08/99 06:30:20 My Email:joylin@henge.com | Comments: Great site, found some good information. |
Laura Edwards - 09/26/99 17:59:23 My Email:mybeeper@mindspring.com | Comments: I think your site/pages are fantastic. You've put a great deal of time in this. I'm just starting out on my geneology quest. Thanks for the wallpaper pages for my own family history pages and I'll tell my other friends looking as well. I will visit again! ! |
edwina morton - 09/25/99 04:45:16 My Email:Itsme@Tomah.com | Comments: Great & Beautiful Page, I'll be back, I come from Teter stock. |
Yvonne - 07/21/99 11:11:22 My URL:http://members.tripod.com/yg222/family.html My Email:ygresser@one.net.au | Comments: A beautiful page |
Patty White - 07/13/99 07:20:39 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Trail/1532 My Email:pwhite@afnetinc.com favorite Genealogy pages: LDS Family Search and US GenWeb favorite Genealogy program: Personal Ancestral File and Family Origins. | Comments: I finally made it in here. You have a great site. Very helpful....You have been a very wonderful friend to me and I appreciate all your efforts in my behalf. Pat. |
Howard D. Blair - 06/21/99 15:57:23 My URL:http://www.familytreemaker.com/users/b/l/a/Howard-D-Blair/ My Email:hblair@idsonline.com favorite Genealogy pages: http://genforum.genealogy.com/surname/ favorite Genealogy program: Family Tree Maker | Comments: Linda C. Great site. Wish you well! |
JEFF KEMPF - 05/18/99 19:05:14 My Email:FIFTHGENKEMPF@YAHOO.COM favorite Genealogy pages: CWS VOLUNTEER | Comments: Hi, I'm a CWS volunteer and I need to verify your e-mail. Pleas forward your webpage e-mail to me. Thank-you. Jeff |
Talbert - 05/08/99 17:16:58 My Email:jess@valleyint.com favorite Genealogy pages: Genchat favorite Genealogy program: none at this time | Comments: I had to sneak a peek! (curious) LOVE IT! Job well done lady. "Congrat's" |
Teresa S. - 05/07/99 13:24:11 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Park/7691 My Email:tisasue@yahoo.com favorite Genealogy program: none | Comments: Linda, I love your page! I am in the process of trying to put my family history online and will be visiting here often...Didn't get to go to all your links yet, but will! Just wanted you to know that I am mentally leaving you a gift in your book. I hav n't learned how to actually make graphics yet so until then......LOL Your LOTH sis, Teresa S. |
Legolady - 04/30/99 01:45:10 My URL:http://www.cgocable.net/~lmckinno My Email:lmckinno@cgocable.net favorite Genealogy pages: don't have any yet favorite Genealogy program: none | Comments: Hi LadyL, great site you have going on here. My dad's wife is into geneology and I'll besure to send her this url. Keep up the good work. ![]() ![]() |
Jen Bailey - 04/21/99 03:04:14 My URL:http://www.initco.net/~bailey/jens.htm My Email:bailey@initco.net favorite Genealogy pages: Connect With Surnames and Genforum favorite Genealogy program: Family Tree Maker | Comments: I stopped in just to poke around. You have a wonderful site here. I have enjoyed my stay. |
Robin - 04/21/99 02:55:48 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Bluffs/index.html My Email:rhurst@kalama.com favorite Genealogy pages: Robins Genealogy Home Page favorite Genealogy program: Family Tree Maker | Comments: |
Debbie Camberg - 04/21/99 02:31:23 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Village/2706 My Email:dcamberg@columbia-center.org favorite Genealogy program: Familt Tree Maker | Comments: I will make a link to my page so I can come back often :-) My main surnames: Villeneuve and Noren/Norén (Various spellings: Villeneufve, Villneff, de Villeneuve, Amyot dit Villeneuve, Villnuve, Newvine, Noreen, Norene, Norin, Norine) Timmons, Camberg, Boo h/Boothe.) |
Eloise Blake Respicio - 04/20/99 12:26:04 My Email:joel@ite.net | Comments: This a beautiful place. Love your graphics. I haven't seeen all of it, but I sure will be back. |
Dianne (from chat) - 04/11/99 20:55:21 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Fields/6746/ My Email:ddwood@artelco.com | Comments: Great site, love your graphics! See you at chat. |
Linda C - 03/27/99 20:56:10 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Hollow/8130 My Email:adacu@bellatlantic.net favorite Genealogy pages: Cyndi's lists favorite Genealogy program: Kindred Konnections | Comments: Welcome to my book!!! This is a test to see how it works!!! |