Hi, I'm The Top Guy.
If you have a top that I don't, I may be interested in adding it to my collection, please contact me. Heads up, this is an image intensive site, which may load slow, (but it's worth the wait! The bandwidth is small so it is easy to overtax my hourly limit, if you get a site unavailable message, please try back in an hour. Sorry for the inconvience, the free site is limited.
Nürnberg, Germany 1889-1964 Nürnberg, Germany 1889-1964 Nürnberg, Germany 1889-1964
Hello there, my name is Jonathan and i'm The Top Guy. My favorite hobby is collecting tin lithographed spinning toy plunge tops. I've been at it for more than a few years, and decided to share my ever growing collection with other top enthusiasts, especially since there is no room at home! Check out the links below to view my collection of tops by maker and see other collectors of tops, information about top books, manufacturers logos, and even some science of tops. Hover over a top to see a little more information about it. Sign my guestbook located at the bottom of the page and if you have a top site to link to, please email me. I love questions, and don't always know the answer, but ask away. Enjoy!
This site last updated 02/02/2009
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