Index of Pictures
- Picture of Me
- Backyard Predator!
- Pa Grand Canyon Trip
- Hunting Cabin & Mt. Gillespie
- Jessica's New Apartment
- Rebecca :-)
- Bethany Beach-Summer 2000
- St. Martin Vacation-Feb 2001
- St. Martin Vacation-Feb 2001
- St. Martin Vacation-Feb 2001
- St. Martin Vacation-Feb 2001
- Winter-Feb 2001
- Cat, Claude, Spring 2001
- Cats, Claude, Smokey & Yahoo, Spring 2001
- Cats, Smokey & Yahoo, Spring 2001
- Cats, Smokey & Yahoo, Spring 2001
- Cats, Smokey & Yahoo, Spring 2001
- Cats, Smokey & Yahoo, Summer 2001
- Cats, Smokey & Yahoo, Summer 2001
- Cats, Smokey & Yahoo, Summer 2001
- Cats, Smokey & Yahoo, Summer 2001
- Dewey Beach, Summer 2001
- Rebecca & Cats, Summer 2001
- Steve & Cats, Summer 2001
- Brandywine State Park & Cats, Fall 2001
- Rebecca & new car winter 2001
- Cats, Winter 2001
- Christmas, Moms 2001
- Christmas, Home 2001
- Cats, Smokey & Yahoo, 2002
- Susquehannok walk, 2001
- Rebecca, Xmas 2001
- Holtwood & Nolde forest walks Spring 2002
- Tyler Arbetorium walk, Spring 2002
- Tyler Arbetorium walk, Spring 2002
- Flowers in back yard, Spring 2002
- Ryerson station & Kings Gap walk, Spring 2002
- Cats, Yahoo & Smokey, Spring 2002
- Rocks State Park, MD, walk, Spring 2002
- New
- Ralph Stover "High Rocks" walk Sept 2002
- Pine Grove Furnace "Pole Steeple" walk Sept 2002
- Gunpowder Falls St Park-MD walk Oct 2002