Arkansas Society
Organized February 11, 1890
State Officers 2009/2010
President: David Hoss President Emeritus: Bernard Barber Immediate Past President:J. Troy Massey 1st Vice President:Dr. Ernest Cashion Secretary/Registrar: Sir Benjamin Hendrickson, Ph.D. Treasurer:Glenn Railsback III Chancellor: John C. Finley III Historian:Joseph Kerr Chaplain:President Emeritus Bernard Barber Genealogist:EuGene Smith |
Regional VP- NE: Dr. Vance Sales Regional VP - NW: Roy Adams Regional VP - Central: President Emeritus Bernard Barber Regional VP - SE: Glenn Railsback III Regional VP - SW: C. C. Barnette National Trustee: Dennis E. Boyer Alt. National Trusee: Col. William T. Cox |
The Georgia Society, whose members have devoted years to the development of a "Source Book" of guidelines, suggestions, and experiences in SAR activities, has graciously offered to share this publication with us. Follow this link to the Georgia Society's Source Book site.
For General Arkansas Society information, contact ARSSAR President David Hoss
The date for the program is Monday, May 25, 2009 at 10:00 A.M. at the Arkansas Veterans Cemetery 1501 West Maryland in North Little Rock. If anyone wish to place a wreath or release a wreath into the lake they should notify them before Friday, May 15 so that they can be acknowledged on the program. Contact: Public Affairs Specialist, Susan King, at (501) 992-0192 or email at Parking will be through the Camp Robinson Maryland Gate of Remount Road or at Hwy 107 Wal Mart Parking lot Buses and Vans will shuttle individuals to the cemetery. Please DO NOT PARK ALONG MARYLAND AVENUE. Handicapped marked cars may park within the Cemetery. Golf carts will be available for those needing help inside the cemetery. Water bottles will be available, please be sure and dispose of them in the proper provided trash cans. If they have any questions please feel free to contact me or Susan King at the above phone # or email address.David J. Hoss, Sr.
2009 Annual meeting was held Sat., March 21, at the Doubltree Hotel in Little Rock. Details will follow later.
2009 Midyear meeting will begin at 11:00 A. M. Sept. 12 in Conway at Ryan's Steak House, 2280 W. Old Morrilton Hwy.
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Questions? Comments? Contact webmaster, Dennis Boyer
Updated: 27 Apr., 2009