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Royal Knight 40
My name is "J. D." Kuffskie and this is my
castle in Mobile, Alabama. My
paternal grandfather came over from Danzig, Germany and married my grandmother,
a second generation Dutch named Plash. The maternal grandparents probably came
over as debtors with Oglethorp to Georgia, since my Mother's name was Wallace
and her Mother's name was Calloway. Of course that makes me Scot, Irish, German,
and Dutch or just a "Heinz 57" American. My three children are even
more mixed, since I married a Fitzgerald with some French blood. Sadly she has
been deceased for eighteen years. I am the proud father of one son and two
daughters and a very proud grandfather of a beautiful fourteen year old
granddaughter. As a Registered Chemical Engineer, I started Applied Engineering
Sales Company 45 years ago and am still active in the company.
My Hobbies
I enjoy the computer and the people I meet especially in the fifty+ room.
One other vice is that I frequently visit the casinos in Biloxi, MS. I enjoy
and the table games.
On the better side, I am a past Lay Reader and long time Sunday School
teacher in the Episcopal Church. Although I am not that active now, I have
served on the Vestry as Junior and Senior Warden and helped start a Mission
Station that became a Mission and a Parish. I was the first Senior Warden of
the Mission and President of the Mobile Convocation of Episcopal Churchmen.
I have been active in the Mobile County and the Alabama Republican Party
since 1962, serving as a state commiteeman since 1968. During that time I
served 3 terms as District Chairman and attended three National Conventions
as a Reagan Delegate or Alternate Delegate from Alabama.
My son is an engineering technition for the city of Mobile. One daughter is a
legal deposition scopist for a court reporting firm, and the older daughter is
is an attending physician at Arnold Palmer Children's and Women's Hospital
in Orlando, Florida. My younger daughter and granddaughter live
with me. Family means a great deal to me now as always. The
granddaughter is a pleasure to have around.
Sex: Male
Marital Status: Widowed
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