Get Well Soon!

We all know the pain of a sick rodent. Here is where you can send Get Well Soon notes to your rodent, and they will be on the page!

You have the choice of:

Flower, Star, Yogurt Drop, or Carrot!

You can send one to any rodent, and even other animals that are really sick!

Please send me an email with the following information(just copy this and paste it in the email.):


Name of Rodent:

Type of Rodent:

What is wrong with the rodent:

Special Webagram(message for rodent):

Flower, Star or Yogurt Drop:

You may also send a picture of the animal to go in.

Send that to

Special Notes 1 - 2 of 2:

From: Emily

To: Tabitha

Type of Rodent: Rat

What is wrong with the rodent: Either ear infection or Pituitary tumour

Webagram: Dear Tabitha, Remember, you are a star. I love you very much, and no matter how bad the medicine tastes, please try to take it! Love Emily xxxoooxxxooo

Name: Mom

Name of Rodent: Tabitha

Type of Rodent: Rex Rat

What is wrong with the rodent: Ear infection

Webagram: Get well soon, Tabitha! I'm sorry the medicine tastes so bad. Love, Mom

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Last updated 11/12/99