Holly Marie Griggs

August 12, 1993 - August 15, 1993

7 lbs. 7 1/2 ounces

Blonde Hair

Blue Eyes

"On August 12, 1993 my husband and I experienced the joy and excitement of becoming grandparents for the first time. Our joy was short. Our beautiful little granddaughter, Holly, was gravely ill. Many efforts were made to save her but it was not to be. She died just 3 days after she was born. The pain of losing Holly and watching our daughter and son-in-law grieve for the loss of their baby was almost unbearable. There would be no birthday celebrations, no eyes shining bright in anticipation of Santa Claus, no first word or first step to delight in. Hopes and dreams gone, before we could ever experience them. A part of our future forever gone."

"Holly died from complications of Group B Strep. Although many tragedies in life cannot be prevented, this can. We urge all pregnant women to talk to their doctor about GBS. Learn the facts! Knowledge is a powerful weapon in fighting this disease. My husband and I will continue to pray until this threat to newborns is eliminated."

... Dave & Marcie Pierce (MeMa & PaPa)

...Holly watches over and protects her little brother and Little sister everyday...

December 2, 2003

Tyler Stanton Griggs

Born: January 27, 1995

8:05 A.M.

8 lbs 12 ounces

20 3/4 inches

Brown Hair / Blue Eyes

December 2, 2003

Brooke Nicole Griggs

Born: March 27, 1998

8:02 A.M.

8 lbs 4 ounces

19 inches

Dark Brown Hair / Blue Eyes

Enter the gate to visit Hollys' Family



"If You Knew"

Information On Group B Streptococcus (GBS)

Group B Streptococcus (GBS) Infection and Pregnancy
Learn About Group B Strep
The Group B Strep Association
Prevention Of GBS Infection

Stan and Stephanie

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