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Searchingfor ourANCESTORS |
![]() Descendants of Michel Adhémar and Cécile Gache.
Descendants of Sébastien Alaire and Périnne Fleurissonne.
Descendants of Pierre Loignon Aloignon and Françoise Roussin.
Descendants of François Amirault Tourangeau and Marie Pitre.
Descendants of Antoine Archambault and Renée Ouvrard.
Descendants of Jacques Asselin and Cécile Olivier.
Descendants of Jacques Aubert Auber and Marie Le Boucher.
Descendants of Jacques Aubin and Jacqueline Cornilleau.
Descendants of Innocent Audet and Reine Vincente.
Descendants of Solon Beaudouin and Anne Gautereau.
Descendants of François Bélanger and Françoise Horlays.
Descendants of André Bernard and Marie Charé.
Descendants of Yves Bernier and Michelle Treuillet.
Descendants of Pierre Berthiaume and Jacqueline Brion.
Descendants of Robert Bérubé and Catherine Pognot.
Descendants of Pierre Bezeau and Renée Millet.
Descendants of Pierre Blais and Anne Perrot..
Descendants of Pierre Blanchet and Marie Fournier.
Descendants of Jean Blanchon and Anne Rochon.
Descendants of André Blouin and Françoise Bonin.
Descendants of René Boisseau and Renée Martin.
Descendants of Pierre Bolduc and Gilette Pijart.
Descendants of Claude Bouchard and Marie Fermery.
Descendants of Marin Boucher and Périnne Malet.
NEW, added July 17, 1999
Vitaline Boucher and her ascendance. She married Trefflé Tétreault, 5
Nov 1849, in St-Charles.
Descendants of Jean Bouffard and Marie Laferrière.
Descendants of Jacques Bouillon and Catherine Rabasse.
Descendants of Claude Boulanger-Lefebvre and Marie Arcular.
Descendants of Robert Boulay Boulé and Françoise Garnier.
Descendants of Antoine Bourg and Antoinette Landry.
Descendants of Jacques Bourgeois Jacob and Jeanne Trahan.
Descendants of François Bourgoin and Andrée Bastard.
Descendants of Jean Bousquet and Isabelle Hilairet.
Descendants of Bastien Bouvier and Jeanne Leconflette.
Descendants of Antoine Brassard and Françoise Méry.
Descendants of Louis Brien-Desrochers and Suzanne Bouvier.
Descendants of Louis Brochu and Renée Gaschet.
Descendants of Jean Brodeur De La Vigne and Françoise Frogent.
Descendants of Jacques Brouillet and Renée Vaizière.
Descendants of Jean Brunel and Jeanne Boussingot.
Descendants of Jacques Brunet and Jacqueline Racheine.
Descendants of Jacques Bussière and Jeanne Massonnier.
Descendants of Thomas Cadrin and Marguerite Corsonnière.
Descendants of Jean Carrier and Jeanne Dodier.
Descendants of Jean Casavan and Marie Giguère.
Noël Cassé and Madeleine Durand were ancestors of many LACASSE families.
Descendants of René Cauchon dit Laverdière and Charlotte Ertolle.
Descendants of Jean Celles-Duclos and Colette Pagnot.
Descendants of Jean Chabot and Jeanne Rodé
Descendants of Pierre Chagnon and Louise Favreau.
Descendants of Paul Chalifour and Marie Gabouri.
Descendants of René Chamberlan and Catherine David.
Descendants of Antoine Chaput and Clautilde Reber.
Descendants of Olivier Charbonneau and Marie-Marguerite Garnier.
Descendants of Pierre Charron and Judith Martin.
Descendants of Daniel Chauveau and Marie Caya.
Descendants of Michel Chénrd and Marguerite Bret.
Descendants of René Chevalier and Isabelle Peschevinet.
Descendants of Pierre Chiasson and Marie Péroché.
Descendants of Gilles Chicoine and Périne Boisaubert.
Descendants of Nicolas Choquet and Claudine Groet.
Descendants of Mathieu Choret and Jeanne Serre.
Family group of Zacharie Cloutier and Xainte Dupont (with links to each of their children's
Descendants of Guillaume Constantin and Pérette Châtillon.
Ancestors of Conrad Côté.
Descendants of Jean Côté Costé and Anne Martin.
Descendants of Guillaume Couillard and Élisabeth De Vesin.
Descendants of Jean Crépeau and Jeanne Faumoleau.
Descendants of Pierre Syre-Sire and Marie Bourgeois.
Descendants of André Daigle L'Allemand and Thérèse Prou.
Descendants of Jean Delpée and Marguerite Delnat.
Descendants of Jean Dandurant and Marguerite Labosse.
Descendants of Jean Dangeuger Lechasseur and Angélique-Agnès Roulois.
Descendants of Jean-Baptiste Dansereau and Catherine Noël.
Descendants of Blaise-Didier David and Flavie Morel.
Descendants of Jacques David dit Pontife and Marie Grandin-Grandry.
Descendants of Jacques Delage and Marguerite Delage.
Descendants of Blaise Denis and Jeanne Laponche.
Descendants of Étienne De St-Père and Madeleine Couteau.
Descendants of Jacques Desmarets and M.-Marthe Laporte.
Ancestors of Marie-Anne Dion (Guyon) married to Charles Lepage at Cap-St-Ignace, QC.
on July 9, 1781. (Charles Lepage was the son of Pierre Lepage and Véronique Rioux).
Descendants of Christophe Drolet and Jeanne Le Vasseur.
Descendants of Robert Drouin and Marguerite Duclos.
Descendants of Louis Duclos and Marie-Barbe Lavery.
Descendants of Pierre Dufresne and Anne Palin
Descendants of Abraham Dugas and Louise-Judith (or Marguerite?) Doucet.
Descendants of Jean Dumay and Barbe Maugis.
Descendants of René Guéret and Madeleine Vigoureux.
Descendants of Jacques Dumont and Marie Maubert.
Descendants of Guillaume Dupont and Anne Julliot.
Descendants of Michel Dupuis and Marie Gotro Gautrot.
Descendants of Elie Dupuys St-Michel and Marie Guérin.
Descendants of Yvon Énaud and Jeanne Galiot.
Descendants of Léonard Faucher St-Maurice and Marie Damoys.
Ancestors of Marie-Josephte Fitzbach, (Mère Marie-du-Sacré-Coeur), founder
of "Les Servantes du Coeur Immaculé de Marie", better known as "Les Soeurs du Bon Pasteur
de Québec".
Descendants of Daniel Fitzbach and Anne Wormeldy (related to Marie-Josephte).
Descendants of Pierre Foisy and Marguerite Froument..
Descendants of Jacques Fontaine and Jeanne Colinet, of l'île-d'Yeu, diocese of
Luçon, Poitou, France.
Descendants of Jacques Fontaine and Claude Girou.
Descendants of Julien Fortin Bellefontaine and Geneviève Gamache Lamarre.
Descendants of Noël Fortier and Marie Golle, ancestors of Eliza Fortier.
Descendants of Pierre Foucher and Geneviève Troplonge.
Descendants of Simon Fougère and Anne Gentay.
Descendants of Gilles Fournier and Noëlle Gagnon.
Descendants of Joseph Van Den Dyke and Madeleine Dubois.
Descendants of Jean Gagnon and Marie Gestray.
Descendants of Pierre Gareman-Garnier and Madeleine Loth. Charlot.
Descendants of Denis Gaudet Godet and Martine Gauthier.
Descendants of Charles Gaudin Godin and Marie Boucher.
Descendants of Jacques Gaudry and Charlotte Chevalier.
Descendants of Gabriel Gautier and Jeanne Chardavouenne.
Descendants of Louis Gauvin and Anne L'Épine
Descendants of Jean Gazaille and Aubine Regné.
Descendants of Pierre Gendron and Marie Renaut.
Descendants of Pierre Gervais and Catherine Paillard.
Descendants of Joachim Girard and Marie Halay.
Descendants of Jean Giroux and Marguerite Quilleron.
Descendants of François Gladu and Claude Baudry.
Descendants of Jean Gontier and Marie Lay.
Descendants of Nicolas Gosselin and Marguerite Dubréal.
Descendants of Guillaume Grenier and Françoise Deschalloux.
Descendants of Pierre Grondin and Marie Rigoulet.
Descendants of Jean Guay-Guiet and Jeanne Mignon.
Descendants of Louis Guertin (Le Sabotier) and Georgette Le Duc.
Descendants of François Guillet and Perrine Ménard.
Descendants of François Guimond and Jeanne De Launay.
Descendants of Jean Guyon Guion Du Buisson and Mathurine Robin-Boulé.
Descendants of Gilles Hayet and Jeanne Héreau.
Descendants of Louis Hébert et Marie Rollet.
Descendants of Jean Hély and Jeanne Meusnier.
Descendants of Marin Huard and Julienne Bouillet.
Descendants of Jean Isabel and Marie Adam.
Descendants of Étienne Jacob and Jeanne Fresset.
Descendants of Jean Jarret and Claudine Picaudy.
Descendants of Pierre Jean and Olive Josset.
Descendants of Vivien Jean and Élisabeth-Isabelle Drouet.
Descendants of Claude Jodouin Jodoin and Anne Thomas.
Descendants of Pierre Jutrat and Claude Boucher.
Descendants of Jacques Laberge and Marie Poitevin.
Descendants of Claude Labrosse and Georgette Morin.
![]() Descendanta of Noël Cassé and Madeleine Durand.
Descendants of Léonard-Amtoine Laleu and Marie-Françoise Petit.
Ancestors of my Uncle and Godfather Marc Laliberté. He married Yvonne Fontaine,
my father's sister.
Descendants of Claude Lamarre and Marguerite Caron.
Descendants of Thomas Lancognard dit Santerre and Jeanne Chaussé.
Descendants of Guillaume Landry and Gabrielle Barré.
Descendants of Michel Langevin and Marguerite Hélie.
Descendants of Jean Laniel and Judith Lesule.
Descendants of Jean-Baptiste Laperche and Marguerite Cousino..
Descendants of Jacques De La Porte De St-Georges and Marie Hamelin.
Descendants of Étienne Laurent and Marguerite Viger.
Descendants of Martin Laverdure and Jacqueline Le Cat.
Descendants of René De Lavoye and Isabeau Bélanger.
Descendants of Léonard Le Blanc and Jeanne Fayande.
Descendants of Jacques Leblond and Françoise De Nollen.
Descendants of Thomas Leboeuf and Nicole Gazelle.
Descendants of Jean Lebrun and Rosalie Laserre.
Descendants of Jean Leclerc Boiteleau and Marie Blanquet.
Descendants of Jean Le Duc and Jeanne Desobrie.
Descendants of Geoffroy Lefebvre and Jeanne Milet.
Descendants of Guillaume Lefebvre and Marie Grandival.
Descendants of Pierre Lefebvre and Jeanne Cutiloup.
Descendants of Claude Boulanger-Lefebvre and Marie Arcular.
Descendants of Charles Lefrançois and Marie-Madeleine Triot.
Descendants of Gilles Légaré and Marguerite Fontaine.
Descendants of Roch Legaud and Marie Galion.
Descendants of Guillaume Legris ans Claire Evrard.
Descendants of Christophe Lelièvre and Georgette Clément.
Ancestors of my uncle Jos. Lemay married to my aunt Emma Fontaine.
Descendants of Jean Lemelin-Tourangeau and Marguerite Brassard.
Descendants of Pierre Lemieux and Marie Luguen.
Descendants of Étienne Lepage and Nicole Berthelot.
Descendants of René Lereau and Marguerite Guillin.
Descendants of Louis Leroy and Anne Lemaistre.
A few descendants of Jean-Martin Lesage and Catherine Bretel.
Descendants of Étienne De Lessard and Marie-Marguerite Sevestre.
Descendants of René Letarte dit du Tertre and Louise Goulet.
Descendants of David Létourneau and Sébastienne Guéry.
Descendants of Noël Le Vasseur and Genevièv Ganche.
Descendants of Michel Levesque and Marie-Hélène Monieux. Last updated October 11, 1999.
Descendants de Pierre Lévêque et Marie Caumont. Last
updated October 11, 1999.
My grand-father, on my mother's side, had 18 children. Around 1924, he left Canada for
the USA with 16 of them. One boy had died at an early age and my mother, Antonine Lippé, was already married
so she had to stay in Canada. My grand-father lived in Pawtucket, RI on John Street . Today I have many cousins
in the USA, most of which I never met, and some of which I met when I was a young boy and from whom I never heard
since... The LIPPE are of german origin and believe their ancestor was a prince.
Ancestors of my mother, Antonine Lippé and of all the Lippé above.
Descendants of René Lippe and Françoise Fuseau dit Roch.
Descendants of Pierre Loignon Aloignon and Françoise Roussin.
Descendants of Jacques Loiseau and Marie Rouette.
Descendants of Jacques Lussier and Marguerite Darmine.
Descendants of Abraham Martin dit l'Écossais and Marguerite Langlois.
Descendants of Charles Matte and Barbe Horace.
Descendants of Jacques Ménard Lafontaine and Catherine Fortier.
Descendants of François Mercier and Roberte Couvillau.
Descendants of Bertrand Meunier and Madeleine Guibour.
Descendants of David Messier (St-François) and Marguerite Bar.
Descendants of René Mezeray and Nicole Gareman.
Descendants of Nicolas Mignot and Madeleine De Brie.
Descendants of Jacques Millet and Jeanne Vincent.
Descendants of Pierre Miville and Charlotte Maugis , ancestors of the MIVILLE, MINVILLE,
Descendants of Jean Moreau and Catherine Leroux.
Descendants of Jean Morier and Anne Caron.
Descendants of Claude Morin and Jeanne Moreau.
Descendants of Nicolas Mousseaux and Jacqueline Jannot.
Descendants of Marc Nadeau and Jeanne Després.
Descendants of Jean-Baptiste Normand and Catherine Rageot.
Descendants of François Ouellet and Elisabeth Baré. Last updated Oct 10, 1999
![]() Descendants of Thomas Pageot and Catherine Rouaux.
Descendants of Pierre Palardy and Marie-Jeanne Deroucaux.
Descendants of Mathurin Paquet dit Lavallée and Marie Frémillon.
Descendants of Noël Paquet and Marguerite Baudet.
Descendants of Mathieu Paré and Marie Joannet.
Descendants of André Parant and Marie Coudray.
Descendants of Éloi Pelletier and Françoise Matte.
Descendants of André Pépin and Jeanne Chevalier.
Descendants of Jean Perrot and Marie Bigot.
Descendants of Nicolas Petit and Catherine Anceline.
Descendants of Adam Picard Destroismaisons and Antoinette Leroux.
Descendants of Jean Pichet and Marie-Madeleine-Leblanc.
Descendants of Jean Pinard and Marguerite Gaigneux.
Descendants of Paschal Pineau and Jeanne Marteau.
Descendants of Nicolas Pion and Catherine Bredons, my own ancestors. Their names were
Pion dit Lafontaine, became Lafontaine dit Pion, Fontaine dit Pion, until finally some kept the name Pion and others
the name Fontaine...
Descendants of Nicolas Plante and Elisabeth Chauvin.
Descendants of François Plourde and Jeanne Gremillion.
Descendants of Paschal Poulin and Marie Levert.
Descendants of Pierre Poulin Poulain Lafontaine and Anne Ploumelle.
Descendants of Jean Pouliot and Jeanne Jouseph.
Descendants of Jean Préjean dit LeBreton and Andrée Savoie.
Descendants of Martin Prévost Provost and Marie-Olivier Sylvestre-Manitouabewich
(Le Tardif).
Descendants of Michel Privé and Louise Potin.
Descendants of Étienne Proteau (Rotot) and Marguerite Séguin.
Descendants of François Quemeneur-Quemleur-Laflamme and Marie-Madeleine Chambrelan.
Descendants of Louis Quentin and Marie Des Monceaux.
Descendants of René Racine and Marie Loysel.
Descendants of René Réaume and Marie Chevreau.
Descendants of Guillaume Renaud and Suzanne De La Haye.
Descendants of Antoine Renaud-Arnaud and Marie Samson.
Descendants of Jean Riou and Marguerite Guinguen.
Descendants of Robert Rivard-Loranger and Madeleine Guillet.
Descendants of Jacques Roberge and Claudine Buret.
Descendants of André Robert et Catherine Bonain.
Descendants of Julien Rocheron and Martine Lemoyne.
Descendants of Guillaume Rouillard and Jeanne Garneau.
Descendants of Honoré Rousseau and Marie Boilerot.
Descendants of Jean-Isaac Roussin and Madeleine Giguère.
Descendants of Olivier Roy and Catherine Boderge.
Descendants of Charles Roy and Jeanne Boyer.
Descendants of Louis Leroy and Anne Lemaistre.
Descendants of Georges Ruais and Jeanne Chanu.
Descendants of Étienne Laurent and Marguerite Viger.
Descendants of Miche St-Pierre and Françoise Engrand.
Descendants of Thomas Salmon and Marie Gross, ancestors of Dr. Jean-François
Solomon and of my first wife, Corinne Solomon, and other Solomon of the Magdalen Islands.
Descendants of Thomas Lancognard dit Santerre and Jeanne Chaussé.
Descendants of Jean Sarcelier (Lachapelle) and Christine Gaudouin.
Descendants of Pierre Saulnier and Jeanne Chevillard.
Descendants of Jean-Baptiste Savignac and Marie-Anne Hénault.
Descendants of Adrien Sénécal and Jeanne Lecomte.
Descendants of Étienne Sevestre and Marguerite Petitpas.
Descendants of Pierre Simard and Suzanne Durand.
Descendants of René Simoneau and Marguerite Lapraye.
Descendants of Pierre Soucy and Élisabeth Fouquereau.
Descendants of Olivier Le Tardif and Barbe Aymard.
Descendants of Mathurin Tétreau and Marie Bernard.
Descendants of Antoine Têtu and Jeanne Maurice.
Descendants of Louis Tibaut and Renée (Nérée) Gautier.
Descendants of Hyppolite Tibierge and Renée Hervé.
Descendants of Roch Touin Thouin and Denise Colin.
Descendants of Philibert Tremblay and Jeanne Coignet.
Descendants of Pierre Trépanier and Adélaïde Thibeault.
Descendants of Gilles Trotier and Catherine Loyseau.
Descendants of Jean Trudel and Marguerite Noyer.
Descendants of Jean Turgeon and Sébastienne Léger.
Descendants of Vincent Vachon and Sapience Vateau.
Descendants of Robert Varin and Marie L'Apôtre.
Descendants of Nicolas Vérieul and Pérette Roussel.
Descendants of Jacques Vésinat-Voisine and Marie Bourdon.