Marsh family
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Page 1--Marsh Page

Samuel Marsh was born in Essex Co, England and by 1646 was a resident of New Haven,CT.
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Page 2--Gregory Page

Henry Gregory came to Boston, MA from Nottinghamshire, England about 1636, with his wife and several grown children. He soon moved to Springfield, MA and in 1639 to Stratford, Ct.
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Page 3--Ketcham Page

Edward Ketcham and family,including son John, emigrated from England to Massachusetts. Between 1635 and 1640 they resided in Ispwich,then moved to Long Island and later to Ct.
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Page 4--Thompson Page

John Thomson and brother James, originally from Scotland, emigrated from Ireland about 1735 to Chester Co.Pa. They moved to Hanover Twnship, (now Dauphin Co.) and then to Juniata Co. They were Scotch Covenanters.

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