Welcome to Our Guestbook!

D. Shafer - 05/14/00 15:32:34
My Email:shaferd@msn.com

What a wonderful act of kindness from neighbors to neighbors! How are Jon, Becky and the boys doing now - 16 mos. later? I have a 12 yr. old son also; so if they still need boy stuff - please email me. will be in town week of June12th. Moving to area also later this summer.

Clara Scarberry - 02/19/99 13:20:08
My URL:/Heartland/Garden/6450/
My Email:clara@henry-net.com

My prayers are with the family. May God make all your dreams come true.

- 02/04/99 02:08:22


Sharon Conner - 02/04/99 02:07:17
My Email:conner@advertisnet.com

Thanks for the message, I will pass it on.

Tracy Williams - 02/01/99 00:54:52
My Email:TWILL38676


Dianna - 01/26/99 17:18:00
My Email:dkb@laurie.net

That was great! How you can pop out web pages so easy. Sure hope it helps. If there is anymore we can do you know all you have to do is yell.

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