"My New Garden" you say???

Yes. . . . My New Garden! ! !
"My Garden" of thoughts, poems, quotes, beautiful inspirational sayings....tidbits of this and that!

Here you will find my collection of beautiful poems and thoughts that I've gathered... beautiful words that, for one reason or another, have touched my heart.
I've gathered them here in my garden to grow and flourish and hopefully, touch your heart as well.

So stroll with me through the paths and enjoy the words of some beautiful poetry... Stop and smell the roses along the way.... listen to what the words are saying....allow them to flourish and grow in your heart as they have done in mine.

Come on... Let's go stroll the paths and see what's blooming in "My New Garden" .    That's it....Follow Me!

Click Here to Walk Thru My Garden

Poem Index | E-Mail Me!

Artwork on this page used with permission of Lisa Jane.
Image Copyright © 1999 Lisa Jane.
Lisa Jane is a Trademark (TM) of Eden Studio, Inc."

Music on this page used with the permission of Bruce DeBoer.

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